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Chemical Compound Review

Rhodanid     thiocyanate

Synonyms: Thiozyanat, thiocyanide, HSCN, sulphocyanate, NCS-, ...
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Disease relevance of thiocyanic acid


Psychiatry related information on thiocyanic acid


High impact information on thiocyanic acid

  • Why the rat-1 fibroblast should replace the SCN as the in vitro model of choice [11].
  • Schwartz et al (1987) have presented evidence that the circadian pacemaker in the SCN continues to run, but cannot be entrained by light, when tetrodotoxin is used to block sodium-dependent action potentials [12].
  • Here we show that temporal feeding restriction under light-dark or dark-dark conditions can change the phase of circadian gene expression in peripheral cell types by up to 12 h while leaving the phase of cyclic gene expression in the SCN unaffected [13].
  • Response to Honma and Honma: do circadian rhythms in cytosolic Ca2+ modulate autonomous gene transcription cycles in the SCN [14]?
  • The suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus (SCN) are well established as the principal circadian oscillator of mammals [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of thiocyanic acid


Biological context of thiocyanic acid


Anatomical context of thiocyanic acid


Associations of thiocyanic acid with other chemical compounds


Gene context of thiocyanic acid

  • Differential functions of mPer1, mPer2, and mPer3 in the SCN circadian clock [35].
  • Both Per1 and Per2 RNAs in the SCN are increased by light exposure during subjective night but not during subjective day [36].
  • Pre-incubation of SCN- with MPO generates a more complex biological setting, because SCN- serves as either a substrate or inhibitor, causing diverse impacts on the MPO heme iron microenvironment [37].
  • This study for the first time presents transient kinetic measurements of the formation of compound I of human eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) and its reaction with halides and thiocyanate, using the sequential-mixing stopped-flow technique [38].
  • Corneal and conjunctival epithelia were lysed in RIPA buffer for Western blot with MAPK antibodies, or they were lysed in 4 M guanidium thiocyanate solution for extraction of total RNA, which was used to determine gene expression by semiquantitative RT-PCR, real-time PCR, and gene array [39].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of thiocyanic acid

  • We used ELISA with potassium thiocyanate to compare the average avidity of antibody produced by infants with that of children older than 10 years after systemic disease [40].
  • The quantitation of vasopressin mRNA was achieved by using three different procedures: (1) cell-free translation in rabbit reticulocyte lysate or (2) Northern analysis of poly(A)RNAs isolated from micro-punch dissected SON, PVN, and SCN, and (3) in situ hybridization histochemistry [32].
  • Choroidal perfusion with each of 4 anion transport and Cl- channel blockers (DIDS, 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene, phenylanthranylic acid, and thiocyanate) suppressed the light peak [41].
  • PRR titrations enabled the measurement of binding of creatine to the ternary CH3S-enzyme-MnADP complex and show that specific anions such as nitrate, formate, and thiocyanate decrease the apparent dissociation constant for creatine in its complex with the CH3S-blocked enzyme and MnADP, as is observed with native creatine kinase [42].
  • Using microdialysis probes we measured nitrite, ascorbic acid, total vitamin C, and thiocyanate concentrations and pH simultaneously in the proximal oesophagus, Barrett's segment, hiatal sac, proximal stomach, and distal stomach [43].


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