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Chemical Compound Review

Arecaine     1-methyl-5,6-dihydro-2H- pyridine-3...

Synonyms: Arecaidine, Methylguvacine, CHEMBL432561, SureCN336164, NSC-76017, ...
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Disease relevance of C10128


Psychiatry related information on C10128

  • However, arecaidine, at the same i.c.v. doses, was able to reduce the pain threshold in the hot-plate and paw pressure tests.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)[5]
  • As tertiary arecaidine and isoarecaidine esters easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier, they might also stimulate central M1 receptors and thus become lead compounds in the search for an effective drug treatment of Alzheimer's disease [6].

High impact information on C10128

  • Acetylcholine- and arecaidine propargyl ester-induced 6-keto-PGF1 alpha synthesis and cGMP formation in endothelial cells were attenuated by atropine, AF-DX 116 (M2 antagonist), and hexahydrosiladifenidol (M3 antagonist) but not by pirenzepine (M1 antagonist) [7].
  • Employing this technique, we found that the GABAA agonists, muscimol, isoguvacine, 4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoxazolo(5,4-C)pyridine-3-ol, and 3-amino-1-propane sulfonate, all produced a concentration-dependent increase in 36Cl- influx, but baclofen, a GABAB agonist, failed to alter 36Cl- flux [8].
  • Either isoguvacine (a GABA(A) receptor agonist) or kynurenic acid (a non-selective ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonist) microinjected bilaterally into the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) attenuated the increase in LSNA induced by the hyperosmotic stimulus (control: 25 +/- 2%; after isoguvacine: 7 +/- 2%; after kynurenic: 8 +/- 3%) [9].
  • In the formalin model of orofacial nociception in rats, a peri-oral co-injection of the M2 agonist arecaidine dose-dependently inhibited phase 2 nocifensive behavior up to approximately 50% at 5 nmol [10].
  • Control experiments using a GABAA receptor agonist, isoguvacine, indicated that both components of the baroreflex (parasympathetic and sympathetic) could be blocked from the NTS injection site [11].

Biological context of C10128


Anatomical context of C10128

  • Acetylcholine and arecaidine propargyl ester, a selective M2 agonist, produced a dose-dependent increase in 6-keto-PGF1 alpha output and cGMP formation in confluent endothelial cells but not in confluent vascular smooth muscle cells [7].
  • Does uptake limit the actions of GABA agonists in vivo? Experiments with muscimol, isoguvacine and THIP in cat spinal cord [17].
  • 2. Interneurons and pyramidal cells from P2-5 slices loaded with fluo-3 AM responded by an increase in [Ca2+]i to isoguvacine and to glutamate, in contrast to cells from P12-13 slices which responded to glutamate but not to isoguvacine [18].
  • 2. The arecaidine 2-butynyl and 2-pentynyl esters were approximately equipotent with APE at M1 and M2 receptors, whereas the 2-hexynyl derivative was found to be less potent than APE in atria (-log EC50 = 6.80) and ileum (-log EC50 = 6.70) by about one order of magnitude [15].
  • Likewise, isoguvacine (10(-5) to 10(-4) M) reduced amplitudes (-26.7% to -37.5%) and increased latencies (+11.2% and +24.0%) of cuneate-gracilis fasciculi responses but had little or no effect on corticospinal tract response amplitudes (-6.2% to -3.8%) or latencies (-0.8% to +1.5%) [19].

Associations of C10128 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of C10128

  • GABA or GABA(A) agonist isoguvacine treatment resulted in increased or decreased levels of several mRNAs, including transcription factors (c-fos, hsf-1, egr-1) and cell cycle-associated genes (Cdk2, cyclin D1) [23].
  • Isoguvacine (EC50 approximately to 10 microM) induced biphasic relaxation for both alpha 1 beta 3 and alpha 1 beta 3 gamma 2 subunit receptors (tau 1 = 288.6 +/- 43.3 and 167 +/- 15 ms, and tau 2 = 8.0 +/- 1.9 and 4.4 +/- 0.4 S, respectively, for each subunit combination) [21].
  • In contrast, the GABA(A) receptor agonists 3APS and isoguvacine (10(-5) M each) did not modify endozepine release [24].
  • When neurointermediate lobes were treated for 3 days, inhibition of POMC biosynthesis by NPY was maintained, and inhibition by apomorphine was even stronger, whereas isoguvacine gave an inhibition of 52%, and baclofen produced 34% inhibition [25].
  • The GABAA agonist, isoguvacine (10-100 microM), did not reduce SP release but, if anything, tended to increase SP release [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of C10128


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