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Gene Review

Gabrb2  -  gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor,...

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AI834970, C030002O17Rik, C030021G16Rik, GABA(A) receptor subunit beta-2, Gabrab2, ...
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Disease relevance of Gabrb2


Psychiatry related information on Gabrb2


High impact information on Gabrb2

  • PrP null mice show abnormalities of synaptic neurophysiology, in particular weakened GABAA receptor-mediated fast inhibition and impaired long-term potentiation in the hippocampus [10].
  • Here we show that this tonic conductance is absent in granule cells that lack the alpha6 and delta-subunits of the GABAA receptor [11].
  • In cerebellar granule cells, although the frequency of inhibitory synaptic currents is relatively low, the spillover of synaptically released GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) gives rise to a persistent conductance mediated by the GABA A receptor that also modifies the excitability of granule cells [11].
  • In nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR), as well as glycine, GABAA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), serotonin (5-HT3), and GluCl glutamate receptors, a leucine residue at the approximate midpoint of the M2 transmembrane domain (the 9' position) is conserved across most known subunits [12].
  • These findings indicate that the anxiolytic effect of benzodiazepine drugs is mediated by alpha2 GABAA receptors, which are largely expressed in the limbic system, but not by alpha3 GABAA receptors, which predominate in the reticular activating system [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of Gabrb2


Biological context of Gabrb2


Anatomical context of Gabrb2


Associations of Gabrb2 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Gabrb2

  • The gamma 2 subunit and gephyrin are thus interdependent components of the same synaptic complex that is critical for postsynaptic clustering of abundant subtypes of GABAA receptors in vivo [29].
  • To further study the putative gamma-butyrolactone site of the GABAA/chloride channel complex, constrained derivatives of convulsant and anticonvulsant alpha,alpha-disubstituted gamma-butyrolactones (alpha-spirocyclopropyl- and alpha-spirocyclopentyl-gamma-butyrolactones) were synthesized and evaluated biologically [30].
  • Using the selective GABAA receptor agonist isoguvacine it could be demonstrated that the GABAB receptors are functionally coupled to GABAA receptors in the neurons leading to a disinhibitory action of GABAB receptor agonists [31].
  • It is therefore concluded that whilst chlormethiazole effectively antagonises the convulsive behavioural syndrome induced by injection of NMDLA, it does not do so by interacting with the NMDA receptor complex but more probably by its known interaction with the GABAA receptor complex [32].
  • Diazepam binding inhibitor (DBI) is a putative endogenous ligand capable of binding to the central type benzodiazepine (BZD) receptor located on the GABAA receptor and the peripheral type BZD receptor on the mitochondrial outer membrane [33].

Co-localisations of Gabrb2

  • Likewise, the distribution, number and size of GABAA receptor clusters colocalized with gephyrin are similar to wild-type in both juvenile and adult mice [34].
  • Here, we show by double-immunofluorescence staining that dystrophin is extensively colocalized with GABAA receptor subunit clusters in these brain regions [35].

Regulatory relationships of Gabrb2

  • Cerebellar granule-cell-specific GABAA receptors attenuate benzodiazepine-induced ataxia: evidence from alpha 6-subunit-deficient mice [14].
  • Although the BDNF-induced GABAA receptor internalization was sensitive to K252a, it did not become manifest until 5 min after exposure to BDNF [36].
  • A recent in vitro study [Ganguly et al. (2001) Cell, 105, 521-532] showed that KCC2 expression may be under the trophic control of GABAA receptor-mediated transmission [37].
  • We hypothesized that Hcy transduces MVEC remodeling by increasing metalloproteinase activity and shedding beta-1 integrin by inactivating the GABA-A/B receptors, thus behaving as an excitatory neurotransmitter [38].
  • The inhibitory effects of GABA on glucagon secretion by alpha TC6 cells were blocked by the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline and were dissociated from the inhibitory effects of glucose [39].

Other interactions of Gabrb2

  • Differential cell surface expression of GABAA receptor alpha1, alpha6, beta2 and beta3 subunits in cultured mouse cerebellar granule cells influence of cAMP-activated signalling [40].
  • We compare the sequence and expression of the beta 1, beta 2 and beta 3 subunits of GABAA receptors in two inbred strains of mice, DBA/2J and C57BL/6J, which differ markedly in seizure susceptibility and in a variety of behaviors related to alcohol [41].
  • This showed that although Sts may cause alterations in GABAA subunit expression, these changes do not result in increased fear reactivity [42].
  • GABAA, GABAC, and NMDA receptor subunit expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and other brain regions [43].
  • Thus, we have identified an abnormality in the GABAA receptor profile of stg/stg mutant mice that might underpin its irregular phenotype [44].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Gabrb2

  • In the present study, [35S]cRNA probes were used to examine the appearance and distribution of GABAA/BZ beta 1, beta 2, and beta 3 subunit mRNAs in the developing C57BL/6 mouse cerebellum by in situ hybridization [45].
  • In primary embryonic rat neuronal cell cultures, a similar regulation of GABAA receptors by PKA was observed [22].
  • Site-specific mutagenesis of the serine residue phosphorylated by PKA completely eliminated the PKA phosphorylation and modulation of the GABAA receptor [22].
  • Analysis of GABAA receptor function and dissection of the pharmacology of benzodiazepines and general anesthetics through mouse genetics [46].
  • GABAA receptors are molecular substrates for the regulation of vigilance, anxiety, muscle tension, epileptogenic activity, and memory functions, and the enhancement of GABAA receptor-mediated fast synaptic inhibition is the basis for the pharmacotherapy of various neurological and psychiatric disorders [46].


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