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Disease relevance of Bendrofluazide


Psychiatry related information on Bendrofluazide


High impact information on Bendrofluazide


Chemical compound and disease context of Bendrofluazide


Biological context of Bendrofluazide


Anatomical context of Bendrofluazide


Associations of Bendrofluazide with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Bendrofluazide

  • Effect of bendrofluazide on calcium reabsorption in hypoparathyroidism [28].
  • The MRC trial compared bendrofluazide with propranolol and showed a reduction in the incidence of stroke; however, to prevent 1 stroke, 850 patients would have to be treated for 1 year [29].
  • 3. When acutely challenged with bendrofluazide the patients showed a greater increase in plasma renin activity on the second occasion than on the first [30].
  • RESULTS: Urinary calcium decreased dose-dependently in response to the bendroflumethiazide [31].
  • RESULTS: Bendroflumethiazide increased the tubular reabsorption of calcium (TRCa) (+0.46 +/- 0.11%, P=0.009), plasma levels of parathyroid hormones (PTH) (+24 +/- 10%, P=0.06), and 1,25(OH)2D (+12 +/- 6%, P=0.03) [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Bendrofluazide


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