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Chemical Compound Review

cerargyrite     chlorosilver

Synonyms: chlorargyrite, Mark II, horn silver, ACMC-1BIC1, AG-H-11899, ...
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Disease relevance of chlorosilver

  • The Mark II model gave the following resultant peak forces expressed as multiples of body weight; Tc. joint force = 3.9; Tcn. joint forces--anterior facet = 2.4, posterior facet = 2 [1].
  • A pilot study was then conducted to estimate the minimum CID of the Health Utilities Index (HUI) Mark II, and to compare the observed between-group differences observed in a recent randomised trial of an acute stroke intervention with this benchmark [2].
  • RESULTS: Of the first 29 eyes of the 29 enrolled patients implanted with their initial Mark II device, 28 (97%) had no progression of retinitis at the 4-week postoperative examination [3].

High impact information on chlorosilver

  • Posteroanterior (PA) lumbar spine measurements of 100 women, ages 20-80 years (mean 52.6 +/- 16, range of BMD = 0.4-1.6 g/cm2) were obtained on a Norland XR26 Mark II, a Lunar DPX-L, and a Hologic QDR 2000 densitometer using standard procedures (pencil beam mode for all three scanners) [4].
  • The 2 MAB-based systems detected vWD but could not specifically identify qualitative vWF defects, although the recently modified Mark II kit was more effective for the latter compared with the original Mark I kit [5].
  • Chromosome aberrations induced in human lymphocytes by U-235 fission neutrons: I. Irradiation of human blood samples in the "dry cell" of the TRIGA Mark II nuclear reactor [6].
  • We determined the actual distribution of leaf-positional errors by studying MLC controller (Varian Mark II and Brainlab Novalis MLCs) log files created by the controller after each field delivery [7].
  • The feasibility of dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) using the Norland XR-26 Mark II bone densitometer for measurements of bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) in small rats was evaluated [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of chlorosilver

  • PATIENTS AND METHODS: Over a 15-month time period, a total of 39 Mark II intravitreal ganciclovir devices were placed in 35 eyes of 29 patients with a diagnosis of CMV retinitis [3].

Biological context of chlorosilver


Anatomical context of chlorosilver

  • Here we applied this method to determine the levels of DNA single-strand breaks in HeLa cells induced by y-irradiation deriving from fission isotopes and activation products at the TRIGA Mark II research reactor in Mainz [12].
  • AIMS: To compare histological thickness of the retinal nerve fibre layer in the primate with retardation measurements obtained in vivo using the Mark II Nerve Fiber Analyzer (NFA, Laser Diagnostic Technologies, San Diego, USA) [13].
  • This is a preliminary report of the results of knee joint replacements using the Liverpool Mark II knee joint system which consists of a bicondylar prosthesis and a set of stereotactic instruments [14].
  • The accuracy of the Evident RCM Mark II in locating the apical foramen was evaluated in 37 human teeth scheduled for extraction [15].
  • An in vivo evaluation of the ENDEX and RCM Mark II electronic apex locators in root canals with different contents [16].

Associations of chlorosilver with other chemical compounds

  • Specimens were fabricated for each of the following groups: two all-ceramic materials [a feldspathic porcelain (Vita Mark II) and a leucite-reinforced glass-ceramic (IPS Empress)], and one noble metal-ceramic (Orplid Keramik I alloy; Vita VMK 68 N felspathic veneer ceramic) [17].
  • By direct measurement of NO release from washed human platelets suspended in Tyrode buffer with a ISO-NO Mark II, World Precision Instruments, Sarasota, FL, USA, p30 sensor, type I collagen, but not ADP and epinephrine, induces the release of NO in a time-dependent manner [18].
  • Vita Mark II ceramic was significantly more resistant to wear than Alpha porcelain and Duceram-LFC ceramic [19].
  • Central visual fields were examined using the Friedmann Visual Field Analyser, Mark II, the Bausch and Lomb Autoplot Tangent Screen and Amsler charts [20].
  • The Anderson Mark II Cascade Impactor was used to characterise the deposition of single doses of beclomethasone dipropionate from several metered-dose inhalers [21].

Gene context of chlorosilver


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of chlorosilver

  • The G.F.S. Mark II inflatable penile prosthesis [27].
  • Men who had a previously inserted penile prosthesis replaced with the GFS Mark II IPP preferred the GFS over the malleable and the self-contained prosthesis, but there was no conclusive preference between the different IPPs [28].
  • The P.K. Morgan Mark II Ventilometer comprises a turbine transducer and a control/readout unit, which contains either a VENTX5A or VENTX6A programme [29].
  • APACHE II (Acute Physiological and Chronic Health Evaluation Mark II) scores on the day of the study ranged from 11 to 31 (median 16) [30].
  • Our objective was to compare a brief, relatively new global health status measure, the Health Utilities Index Mark II (HUI), to two commonly applied health status measures (Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey [SF-36] and the Sickness Jgipact Profile [SIP] in a general medical outpatient population [31].


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