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Chemical Compound Review

TEPROTIDE     1-[1-[2-[[4-aminocarbonyl-2- [[1-[5...

Synonyms: Teprotido, Teprotidum, BPP-9a, AGN-PC-00MEB2, CCRIS 9333, ...
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Disease relevance of TEPROTIDE


High impact information on TEPROTIDE

  • In patients who had received no previous drug treatment, log baseline plasma renin activity and change in mean blood pressure after SQ 20881 correlated significantly (r = 0.651, P less than 0.05) [5].
  • SQ 20881 allows prompt evaluation of the role of renin in hypertensive emergencies and permits early choice of appropriate therapy based on the prevailing mechanism [5].
  • Although small amounts of kininogen-like substrate were found in uterine tissue, detectable kinin levels (greater than 4 pg) could not be found in bathing media during maximal kallikrein-induced contractions or after uterine tissue was incubated with high concentrations of the enzyme in the presence of SQ 20881, a kininase II inhibitor [6].
  • In dogs receiving approximately equal to 5 mEq/day of sodium, intrarenal infusion of P 113 increased renal blood flow (RBF) from 219.8 +/- 32.3 to 282.7 +/- 20.0 ml/min (P less than 0.004), and with intrarenal SQ 20881 infusion from 215.3 +/- 14.2 to 278.0 +/- 22.2 ml/min (p less than 0.005) [7].
  • The effects of intrarenal infusion of 1-sar-8-ala angiotension II (P 113) and a converting enzyme inhibitor, SQ 20881, at doses that did not affect systemic blood pressure (2.0 mug/kg per min) were studied in conscious, uninephrectomized dogs [7].

Chemical compound and disease context of TEPROTIDE


Biological context of TEPROTIDE

  • Effects of the converting enzyme inhibitor (SQ 20881) on the pulmonary circulation in man [9].
  • During converting enzyme inhibition with SQ 20881, mean arterial pressure and heart rate remained unchanged following arginine vasopressin blockade in both normohydrated and fluid-restricted animals. alpha-Adrenergic receptor blockade reduced the blood pressure of normohydrated SHR, from 160 +/- 7 to 81 +/- 8 mm Hg [10].
  • Endopeptidase B purified from pool 3 is inhibited by bradykinin-potentiating peptide 9a (BPP9a, SQ 20881) (< Glu-Trp-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gln-Ile-Pro-Pro), a competitive inhibitor of the hydrolysis of bradykinin (Km = 3.5 X 10(-5) M, Ki = 3 X 10(-6) M) which also completely inhibits the inactivation of LH-RH [11].
  • Treatment of hypoxic rats with SQ 20881 was found to significantly decrease right ventricular pressure, tissue weight, absolute protein content, and in vitro protein synthesis after 7 days compared to saline-treated hypoxic rats [4].
  • In contrast, converting enzyme inhibitor SQ 20881 (SQ) or dopamine (DA) significantly increased PRA and body temperature of sheep [12].

Anatomical context of TEPROTIDE


Associations of TEPROTIDE with other chemical compounds


Gene context of TEPROTIDE

  • The renal vascular response to SQ 20881 paralleled the endocrine response: An identical threshold dose (30 microgram/kg) increased renal blood flow and reduced plasma angiotensin II concentration, which fell despite a progressive rise of plasma renin activity [20].
  • The arterial pressure compensation of two animals with intact kidneys was significantly reduced when the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (SQ 20881) was infused before the haemorrhage [22].
  • Plasma bradykinin concentration did not change in response to SQ 20881, which also blocks kininase II [20].
  • It is concluded that the action of SQ 20881 on human blood kinin system, besides inhibition of kininase, involves also reduction of kininogen, the mechanism of which remains to be clarified [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of TEPROTIDE

  • Reduction in hypertension-induced protein synthesis in the rat pulmonary trunk after treatment with teprotide (SQ 20881) [4].
  • Addition of converting-enzyme inhibitor, SQ 20881 to the perfusion medium competitively prevented the potentiation of AI on the assay organs without altering its direct effects [24].


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