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Chemical Compound Review

AC1NUGKW     3-[(2Z)-2-[(E)-4-(1,3- dibutyl-4,6-dioxo-2...

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Disease relevance of NSC369286


Psychiatry related information on NSC369286

  • Taken together, these data suggest that temperature-dependent cellular defense mechanisms are significant determinants of a cell's susceptibility to MC540-mediated PDT [5].

High impact information on NSC369286


Chemical compound and disease context of NSC369286


Biological context of NSC369286


Anatomical context of NSC369286


Associations of NSC369286 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of NSC369286

  • The parameters studied are cellular procoagulant activity, secretion of plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1) and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA), activation and internalization of factor X and Merocyanine 540 staining [27].
  • In human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and mouse thymocytes we incorporated light scatter properties, cell cycle stage, relevant cell surface immunophenotypic markers (CD25 or CD4) and CD8) and a marker of plasma membrane integrity (merocyanine 540) to enable multiparametric phenotyping of apoptotic cells [28].
  • Moreover, fluorescence signals from 2 anionic potential-sensitive dyes, merocyanine 540 and a bis-oxonol, were identical in P388 and P388/ADR [29].
  • We recently showed that two photoproducts of merocyanine 540, C2 and C5, triggered cytochrome C release; however, C5 was inefficient in inducing caspase activity and apoptosis in leukemia cells, unlike C2 [30].
  • The finding that competitive inhibitors of transglutaminase significantly inhibited C-PAF release, enhancement of MC540 staining, and externalization of phosphatidylserine, strongly suggest a role for this enzyme in the enhancement of phospholipid transbilayer movement [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NSC369286


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