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Gene Review

Casp8  -  caspase 8

Rattus norvegicus

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Disease relevance of Casp8


Psychiatry related information on Casp8


High impact information on Casp8


Chemical compound and disease context of Casp8


Biological context of Casp8


Anatomical context of Casp8


Associations of Casp8 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Casp8

  • These data suggest that C5b-9 through PI3K signaling can rescue OLG from Fas-mediated apoptosis by regulating caspase-8 processing [13].
  • Finally, we show that the caspase 8 inhibitor Ac-IETD-CHO was more effective at blocking seizure-induced cell death than the caspase 9 inhibitor Ac-LEHD-CHO [24].
  • Although caspase-8 is known to be involved in death-receptor-dependent apoptosis, measurable caspase-8 activity or even RGC death could be induced by neither tumor necrosis factor-alpha nor Fas ligand injections into unlesioned eyes [17].
  • Therefore, these results suggest that TNF-alpha-induced increase in apoptosis in ARVM results from caspase-8-dependent impairment of mitochondrial integrity [16].
  • This death was shown to be caspase dependent in primary neuronal cultures and was blocked by the selective caspase 8 inhibitor IETD [25].

Other interactions of Casp8

  • Under this condition, we found that caspase-8 processing was increased in association with Bid cleavage and markedly reduced expression of cellular FLIP long isoform protein [13].
  • In the present study, we examined the possible involvement of the caspase-8 and Fas pathway in OLG apoptosis and the role of C5b-9 in this process [13].
  • Supramaximal secretory stimulation of acini with CCK leads to a rapid redistribution and activation of caspase 8, followed by degradation of plectin that in turn precedes the F-actin breakdown [1].
  • Moreover, GCDCA-induced apoptosis was increased by ECDP, as revealed by enhanced Bax-alpha/Bcl-2 ratio (both in AHs and FHs) and the activity of caspase-8 (only in AHs) and caspase-3 [26].
  • BLM exposure had no marked effect on AM expression of TNF-R1 or caspase-8 activation, but significantly increased the expression of TNF-R2 that was accompanied by a rise in c-IAP1 and a decrease in TRAF2 [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Casp8


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