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Chemical Compound Review

Arsonic acid     dihydroxy-oxo-arsenic

Synonyms: AC1NUSF0, AR-1H7577, AR-1H7578, AC1Q5A7Y, dihydroxy(oxo)arsenic
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Disease relevance of Arsonate

  • In vivo administration of neutralizing anti-NGF antibodies caused strong reduction in the titer of specific IgG in mice immunized with tetanus toxoid, nitrophenol, or arsonate and reduced numbers of surface IgG or IgA B lymphocytes [1].
  • Some of these VH J558+ autoantibodies shared crossreactive idiotypes with VH J558+ antibodies directed against foreign antigens such as influenza virus hemagglutinin, poly(Glu60,Ala30,Tyr10), arsonate, and dextran [2].
  • Arsonate-specific murine T cell clones. II. Delayed-type hypersensitivity induced by P-azobenzenearsonate-L-tyrosine (ABA-Tyr) [3].
  • A series of 12 organic arsonic acid compounds has been synthesized and evaluated against human B-lineage (NALM-6) and T-lineage (MOLT-3) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cell lines [4].

Psychiatry related information on Arsonate

  • The normal immune response of A/J mice against arsonate coupled to hemocyanin is characterized by a major recurrent cross-reactive Id, the CRIA [5].

High impact information on Arsonate


Chemical compound and disease context of Arsonate


Biological context of Arsonate


Anatomical context of Arsonate

  • Inhibition may result from competition of these analogs with arsonate at a site on the T cell [15].
  • Hence the specificities of these clones may reflect their intrinsic recognition of arsonate and its analogues, rather than more efficient presentation of certain analogues than of others by antigen-presenting cells, or differential recognition of associated MHC epitopes by the clones [11].
  • Idiotype connectance in the immune system. I. Expression of a cross-reactive idiotype on induced anti-p-azophenylarsonate antibodies and on endogenous antibodies not specific for arsonate [16].
  • In this report, we show that lethal irradiation of A/J mice followed by reconstitution with autologous or syngeneic lymphoid cells results in loss of major CRIA Id expression in the response to arsonate [5].
  • Comparison of the CRI+ arsonate-nonbinding 1F6 sequence with the CRI+ germ-line VH gene sequence reveals that the 1F6 heavy chain differs from the germ-line-encoded amino acid sequence at seven positions within VH [Siekevitz, M., Gefter, M. L., Brodeur, P., Riblet, R., & Marshak-Rothstein, A. (1982) Eur. J. Immunol. 12, 1023-1032] [17].

Associations of Arsonate with other chemical compounds

  • The hapten- and carrier-specific T lymphocyte clone D5 and a T hybridoma (D5h) derived from D5 cells recognize several different protein Ag conjugated with p-azobenzenearsonate (arsonate) presented by the class II MHC protein I-Ad [18].
  • Analytical procedures are elaborated for the sequential allotment of azobenzene arsonate binding sites in proteins and peptides [19].
  • The patterns of stimulation segregated the clones into two specificity groups and indicated that the epitope recognized by the T-cell included the arsonate group and elements in the side chain of tyrosine [20].
  • Thus, hepatic MT was examined in channel catfish treated with the herbicide monosodium methyl arsonate (MSMA) and compared to equal doses of trivalent and pentavalent arsenic [21].
  • The cellular proteins from KB cells bound to arsonic acid moieties were eluted by 50 mM sodium arsenate in Tris-HCl buffer (50 mM, pH 7.6) [22].

Gene context of Arsonate

  • Analysis of sera from AXC Igh recombinant mice maps the 91A3 marker to the left of Igh-Dex, consistent with the location of the VH genes controlling the arsonate CRI [23].
  • Upon Ag stimulation, an arsonate-specific murine T cell clone exhibited a rapid but transient increase in cell adhesion to collagen, fibronectin, and laminin [24].
  • 9 of 20 antibodies bound to foreign antigens such as bacterial polysaccharides, poly(Glu50, Tyr50), poly(Glu54,Lys37,Phe9), arsonate, and lysozyme, known to interact with antibodies encoded by genes from the VH J558 family [2].
  • To investigate this issue, we created FcgammaRIIB-deficient versions of two previously described targeted BCR-transgenic lines of mice that contain follicular B cells with specificity for the hapten arsonate, but with different levels of antinuclear autoantigen reactivity [25].
  • The Ig produced by cells transfected with both the chimeric H chain and parental L chains genes expressed the NP epitope but lost the original arsonate binding activity [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Arsonate

  • The availability of cloned T cell lines that produce antigen-specific idiotype-positive I region-containing products should facilitate a more thorough dissection of the interrelationships of T-B interctions in the arsonate idiotypic system [27].
  • Analysis of the specific ARS-binding molecules by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) indicated that these animals were capable of producing both high molecular-weight (presumably IgM) and low molecular-weight antibodies to the ARS hapten [28].
  • However, after treatment with rabbit polyclonal anti-CRIA antibodies (Ab2 or anti-idiotypic antibodies) and arsonate, BALB/c mice are able to synthesize a CRIA-like idiotype [29].
  • Biological activity of the approximately 50-kDa MAb HC polypeptide was demonstrated by arsonate affinity matrix binding as determined by Western blot analysis [30].
  • 1. In order to obtain an effective ligand for affinity chromatography of the low molecular weight acid phosphatase (orthophosphoric-monoester phosphohydrolase (acid optimum), EC from human red cells nine phosphonic and two arsonic acid substrate analogues were investigated as potential inhibitors [31].


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