MeSH Review:
Anterior Cerebral Artery
- Acute hemorrhage into pituitary adenoma with SAH and anterior cerebral artery occlusion. Case report. Majchrzak, H., Wencel, T., Dragan, T., Bialas, J. J. Neurosurg. (1983)
- Subarachnoid blood on CT and memory dysfunctions in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Larsson, C., Forssell, A., Rönnberg, J., Lindberg, M., Nilsson, L.G., Fodstad, H. Acta neurologica Scandinavica. (1994)
- Post-hemiplegic dystonia following right anterior cerebral artery infarction. Nagaratnam, N. Australian and New Zealand journal of medicine. (1991)
- Zinc sulphate-induced anosmia decreases the nerve fibre density in the anterior cerebral artery of the rat. van Denderen, J.C., van Wieringen, G.W., Hillen, B., Bleys, R.L. Autonomic neuroscience : basic & clinical. (2001)
- Distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysms. de Sousa, A.A., Dantas, F.L., de Cardoso, G.T., Costa, B.S. Surgical neurology. (1999)
- Presence of neuropeptide Y in human circle of Willis and its possible role in cerebral vasospasm. Allen, J.M., Schon, F., Todd, N., Yeats, J.C., Crockard, H.A., Bloom, S.R. Lancet (1984)
- Cerebral blood flow velocity decreases during cognitive stimulation in Huntington's disease. Deckel, A.W., Cohen, D., Duckrow, R. Neurology (1998)
- Endothelin-mediated vascular tone following focal cerebral ischaemia in the cat. Patel, T.R., Galbraith, S., McAuley, M.A., McCulloch, J. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. (1996)
- Evaluation of delayed treatment of focal cerebral ischemia with three selective kappa-opioid agonists in cats. Baskin, D.S., Widmayer, M.A., Browning, J.L., Heizer, M.L., Schmidt, W.K. Stroke (1994)
- Melatonin-binding sites in brain and caudal arteries of the female rat during the estrous cycle and after estrogen administration. Seltzer, A., Viswanathan, M., Saavedra, J.M. Endocrinology (1992)
- Effect of infusion rate of indomethacin on cerebrovascular responses in preterm neonates. Colditz, P., Murphy, D., Rolfe, P., Wilkinson, A.R. Arch. Dis. Child. (1989)
- Multivariate autoregressive analysis of carotid artery blood flow waveform in an infant of a diabetic mother with cardiomyopathy. Kojo, M., Ogawa, T., Yamada, K., Sonoda, H., Saito, K. Acta paediatrica Japonica; Overseas edition. (1995)
- The role of angiotensin receptor subtypes in cerebrovascular regulation in the rat. Näveri, L. Acta physiologica Scandinavica. Supplementum. (1995)
- Contributions from the upper cervical dorsal roots and trigeminal ganglia to the feline circle of Willis. Saito, K., Moskowitz, M.A. Stroke (1989)
- Maternal magnesium sulfate treatment is associated with reduced brain-blood flow perfusion in preterm infants. Rantonen, T., Kääpä, P., Grönlund, J., Ekblad, U., Helenius, H., Kero, P., Välimäki, I. Crit. Care Med. (2001)
- Effects of thiopental, pentobarbital, and ketamine on endothelin-induced constriction of porcine cerebral arteries. Taga, K., Fukuda, S., Nishimura, N., Tsukui, A., Morioka, M., Shimoji, K. Anesthesiology (1990)
- Cerebral arteriovenous malformations and associated aneurysms: analysis of 305 cases from a series of 662 patients. Meisel, H.J., Mansmann, U., Alvarez, H., Rodesch, G., Brock, M., Lasjaunias, P. Neurosurgery (2000)
- Estrogen-induced augmentation of endothelium-dependent nitric oxide-mediated vasodilation in isolated rat cerebral small arteries. Momoi, H., Ikomi, F., Ohhashi, T. Jpn. J. Physiol. (2003)
- In vitro effects of calcium antagonists PN 200-110, nifedipine, and nimodipine on human and canine cerebral arteries. Müller-Schweinitzer, E., Neumann, P. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. (1983)
- Neurovascular deficits in cocaine abusers. Herning, R.I., King, D.E., Better, W.E., Cadet, J.L. Neuropsychopharmacology (1999)
- Heterogeneous vasomotor responses of anatomically distinct feline cerebral arteries. Hamel, E., Edvinsson, L., MacKenzie, E.T. Br. J. Pharmacol. (1988)
- Angiotensin II AT1 receptor mediated contraction of the perfused rat cerebral artery. Näveri, L., Strömberg, C., Saavedra, J.M. Neuroreport (1994)
- Angiographic evaluation of brain infarction limited to the anterior cerebral artery territory. Kazui, S., Sawada, T., Naritomi, H., Kuriyama, Y., Yamaguchi, T. Stroke (1993)
- Cerebral arterial innervation: II. Development of calcitonin-gene-related peptide and norepinephrine in the rat. Tsai, S.H., Tew, J.M., Shipley, M.T. J. Comp. Neurol. (1989)
- Direct revascularization to the anterior cerebral artery territory in patients with moyamoya disease: report of five cases. Iwama, T., Hashimoto, N., Miyake, H., Yonekawa, Y. Neurosurgery (1998)
- Neuropeptide Y innervation of the rodent pineal gland and cerebral blood vessels. Schon, F., Allen, J.M., Yeats, J.C., Allen, Y.S., Ballesta, J., Polak, J.M., Kelly, J.S., Bloom, S.R. Neurosci. Lett. (1985)
- Subarachnoid haemorrhage due to a dissecting aneurysm of the anterior cerebral artery: a case report. Leach, J.C., Mitchell, P.J., Siu, K. Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia. (2004)
- Contrast M-mode power Doppler ultrasound in the detection of right-to-left shunts: utility of submandibular internal carotid artery recording. Topçuoglu, M.A., Palacios, I.F., Buonanno, F.S. Journal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging. (2003)