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Chemical Compound Review

CHEMBL49917     (E)-4-(6-aminopurin-9-yl)but- 2-en-1-ol

Synonyms: trans isomer, CHEBI:172587, AC1O5QS2, 9-(4-Hydroxy-2-buten-1-yl)adenine, 9-(trans-4-Hydroxy-2-buten-1-yl)adenine
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Disease relevance of trans isomer


High impact information on trans isomer

  • This EFE activity displays similar characteristics to EFE found in plant tissue: it converts the trans isomer of the ACC analogue 1-amino-2-ethylcyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid to 1-butene in preference to the cis isomer, and it is strongly inhibited by cobaltous ions and 1,10-phenanthroline [6].
  • The trans-isomer of tubulozole (tubulozole-T, R 48 265), which has no antitumor activity in vivo, did not affect the microtubule system of cells in vitro or their capacity for directional migration or for malignant invasion [7].
  • Modeling suggests steric hindrance at the active site as the determinant of the weak inhibiting potency of the trans isomer [8].
  • The major cisplatin-damaged DNA-binding proteins of 26.5 and 28 kDa recognized adducts of DNA modified with cisplatin but not with its trans-isomer or with UV radiation [9].
  • The bromo enol lactone trans isomer 2a was found to be a very effective inhibitor of HLE and chymotrypsin, as shown by the binding constants (KI), acylation rates (ka), inactivation rates, and partition ratios determined for each enzyme [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of trans isomer


Biological context of trans isomer


Anatomical context of trans isomer


Associations of trans isomer with other chemical compounds

  • X-ray analysis of the trans isomer showed an axial disposition of the phenyl ring; however, NMR studies suggest that this conformation is fixed in the trans isomer, but not in the cis [24].
  • It was found that N-(3-aminopropyl)-1,4-diamino-cis-but-2-ene [the cis isomer of the alkene analogue of spermidine] was a good substrate for spermine synthase, but that the trans isomer [N-(3-aminopropyl)-1,4-diamino-trans-but-2-ene] and the alkene analogue [N-(3-aminopropyl)-1,4-diaminobut-2-yne] were not substrates [25].
  • Carbonyl ene cyclization of aldehydes 4a-e catalyzed by MeAlCl(2) in refluxing chloroform afforded the trans piperidines 7a-e with diastereomeric ratios of up to 93:7, while aldehyde 4f afforded solely the cis product 6f, which was resistant to isomerization to the trans isomer [26].
  • We identified the zeatin isolated as the trans isomer by HPLC and by a radioimmunoassay in which monoclonal antibodies specific for trans-hydroxylated cytokinins were used [27].
  • BACKGROUND: Cis-urocanic acid (cis-UCA), formed from the naturally occurring trans-isomer in the epidermis on ultraviolet (UV) radiation, initiates some of the changes leading to UV-induced immunosuppression, but its role in cutaneous carcinogenesis has not been fully investigated [28].

Gene context of trans isomer

  • Despite trans isomer specificity of ERK2, a doubly phosphorylated RNase T1 was found as the final reaction product [29].
  • However, in the case of 1-(cyclopropylmethyl)-N-n-propyl analogs, the trans isomer has a slightly higher 5-HT1A affinity than its cis counterpart [30].
  • The trans isomer is able to form two good hydrogen bonds, with G13 on the same strand and A7 on the opposite strand [31].
  • Compared to liposomes, DMPC in the complexes has more acyl chain trans isomers at temperatures above 24 degrees C; at temperatures above ca. 30 degrees C, trans isomer content is about the same for complexes and liposomes [32].
  • The trans isomer was found to be more favorable than cis isomer by only 0.6 kcal/mol [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of trans isomer


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