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Chemical Compound Review

trioxido(oxo)-     phosphate

Synonyms: AC1LD8RF, [33P]Phosphate, [33P]-Pi, [33P]Pi, 160600-81-7, ...
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Disease relevance of phosphate

  • Ten children age 1 1/2 to 14 years, had bilateral nephrocalcinosis and hypercalciuria, but normal serum calcium (Ca) and phosphate (P) concentrations [1].

High impact information on phosphate

  • Inhibition of cellular UGT1A7 and UGT1A10 activities and of [33P]orthophosphate incorporation into immunoprecipitable proteins after exposure to curcumin or calphostin-C indicated that the isozymes are phosphorylated [2].
  • When hepatocytes were incubated with [33P]phosphate and then treated with LiCl, a decrease in the amount of [32P]phosphate incorporated in the enzyme was observed [3].
  • Ibandronate treatment led to significant decreases in serum levels of calcium (p < 0.0001) and phosphate (p < 0.0001) and to subsequent increases in serum concentrations of parathyroid hormone (p <0.0001) and calcitriol (p <0.0001) [4].
  • To test this hypothesis, U937 monocytes were cultured with pyridoxine (P), pyridoxal phosphate (PP) and pyridoxamine (PM) and H2O2, either alone or together for 2 h [5].
  • In heart mitochondria at 37 degrees C when respiration increased from 104 +/- 10 to 842 +/- 51 nanoatoms of O2/(min X mg), incorporation of [33P]phosphate into ATP (V1) increased from 1,100 +/- 60 to 1,978 +/- 121 and V2 decreased from 1,100 to near zero [6].

Biological context of phosphate

  • When acetyl [33P]phosphate and acetyl [3H]adenylate were used as reagents, we found neither histone phosphorylation nor adenylylation [7].
  • Additionally, the kinetics of hydrolysis of the synthesized prodrugs 5a-d and 6a-d were studied at 37 degrees C in non-enzymatic simulated gastric fluid (SGF; hydrochloric acid buffer pH = 1.2); 0.02 M phosphate buffer (pH = 7.4); 80% human plasma and 10% rat liver homogenate [8].

Anatomical context of phosphate

  • Incubations of isolated sciatic nerves of diabetic rats in a medium containing [33P]orthophosphate gave decreased labeling of phosphatidylinositol and substantial changes in the labeling pattern of phosphatidylinositol phosphate and 4,5-bisphosphate from that of controls [9].
  • Quantitative radioautographic analysis of [33P]phosphate incorporation indicated that radiolabeled phosphate normally secreted into forming enamel was retained within ameloblasts [10].
  • High levels of radioactivity in bone (cortical, marrow, growth plate) in both groups may represent uptake of the 33P-labeled test articles by the cellular component of the bone marrow, particularly macrophages, as well as deposition of [33P]phosphate in the bone matrix following metabolism of the [33P]DNA [11].
  • Both with [33P]phosphate and [3H]serine, labelling was seen throughout the porous dentine formed in vitro and not as a band located at the predentine/dentine junction, as is the case in vivo [12].
  • [33P]-phosphate incorporation showed that grain density in inhibited germs compared with that in control germs was about double in odontoblasts and half in the predentine/dentine compartment [12].

Associations of phosphate with other chemical compounds


Gene context of phosphate


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of phosphate

  • The SH protein was isolated from [35S]methionine- and [33P]orthophosphate-labelled RSV-infected cells and analysed by SDS-PAGE [18].
  • METHODS: Three groups of anesthetized rabbits (n = 12 in each group) underwent tracheostomies, and instillations were made into their right lower lobe airspaces with either phosphate buffered saline (pH, 7.4; volume, 1.2 ml/kg; n = 12) or HCl (pH, 1.25; volume, 1.2 ml/kg; n = 24) [19].


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  8. Cyclic amide derivatives as potential prodrugs II: N-hydroxymethylsuccinimide- / isatin esters of some NSAIDs as prodrugs with an improved therapeutic index. Mahfouz, N.M., Omar, F.A., Aboul-Fadl, T. European journal of medicinal chemistry. (1999) [Pubmed]
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  11. Pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution, and expression efficiency of plasmid [33P]DNA following intravenous administration of DNA/cationic lipid complexes in mice: use of a novel radionuclide approach. Osaka, G., Carey, K., Cuthbertson, A., Godowski, P., Patapoff, T., Ryan, A., Gadek, T., Mordenti, J. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences. (1996) [Pubmed]
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  13. Phosphorylation of DHBV pre-S: identification of the major site of phosphorylation and effects of mutations on the virus life cycle. Borel, C., Sunyach, C., Hantz, O., Trepo, C., Kay, A. Virology (1998) [Pubmed]
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  15. Properties of the cysteine-less Pho84 phosphate transporter of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Berhe, A., Zvyagilskaya, R., Lagerstedt, J.O., Pratt, J.R., Persson, B.L. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2001) [Pubmed]
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  17. Evidence for phosphorylation requirement for human bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT1A1) activity. Basu, N.K., Kole, L., Owens, I.S. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2003) [Pubmed]
  18. The respiratory syncytial virus small hydrophobic protein is phosphorylated via a mitogen-activated protein kinase p38-dependent tyrosine kinase activity during virus infection. Rixon, H.W., Brown, G., Murray, J.T., Sugrue, R.J. J. Gen. Virol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  19. Neutrophil elastase inhibitor, ONO-5046, modulates acid-induced lung and systemic injury in rabbits. Kaneko, K., Kudoh, I., Hattori, S., Yamada, H., Ohara, M., Wiener-Kronish, J., Okumura, F. Anesthesiology (1997) [Pubmed]
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