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Conditioning, Classical

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Disease relevance of Conditioning, Classical

  • An in vitro preparation consisting of the siphon, mantle, gill, and abdominal ganglion undergoes classical conditioning when a weak tactile stimulus (CS) applied to the siphon is paired with a strong tactile stimulus to the gill (UCS) [1].
  • The apomorphine (A)-induced stereotypy and the conditioned reflex activity were inhibited by extremely low doses of H, while somewhat higher doses were needed to induce catalepsy or to suppress the A-elicited turning behaviour in rats with unilateral nigral lesion [2].

Psychiatry related information on Conditioning, Classical

  • Evidence for classical conditioning of cocaine's motor-activity effects and context-specific behavioral sensitization to cocaine was obtained, relative to vehicle-treated (control) and pseudoconditioned (unpaired) groups [3].
  • On the basis of what is known about the neural circuitry essential or normally involved in eyeblink classical conditioning (EBCC), the pattern of neurodegeneration in Huntington's disease (HD) would not appear to interfere with this type of learning [4].
  • Using conditioned-reflex methods for active and passive avoidance with punishment reinforcement, we found pronounced memory deficits in 12-week old rats exposed perinatally to alcohol (FAS rats) [5].

High impact information on Conditioning, Classical


Chemical compound and disease context of Conditioning, Classical

  • Employing a classical conditioning paradigm in which faces were conditioned by pairing with an aversive tone (US), we compared responses evoked by conditioned (CS+) and nonconditioned (CS-) stimuli [11].
  • Alternatively, this additional modulation of Ca2+ by 5-HT might contribute to processes such as classical conditioning or long-term sensitization that may depend on Ca2+ [12].
  • This form of classical conditioning is of considerable clinical relevance as intense craving can be evoked by the presentation of stimuli previously associated with the effects of cocaine [13].
  • Cellular analog of differential classical conditioning in Aplysia: disruption by the NMDA receptor antagonist DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate [14].
  • These several results suggested that the dually regulated adenylate cyclase might underlie the temporal requirements for effective classical conditioning in this system [15].

Biological context of Conditioning, Classical


Anatomical context of Conditioning, Classical


Gene context of Conditioning, Classical


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Conditioning, Classical


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