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Gene Review

Adcy3  -  adenylate cyclase 3

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AC-III, AC3, ATP pyrophosphate-lyase 3, Adenylate cyclase type 3, Adenylate cyclase type III, ...
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Psychiatry related information on Adcy3

  • The complete loss of MOE-mediated olfaction in type-3 adenylyl cyclase knockout mice (AC3-/-) allowed us to examine chemosensory functions of the VNO in the absence of signaling through the MOE [1].

High impact information on Adcy3

  • To evaluate the role of AC3 in olfactory responses, we disrupted the gene for AC3 in mice [2].
  • One-week-old male and female mice of the A, BALB/c (C), and C3H/He (C3) strains and of the AC3 and CC3 F1 hybrids were treated with a single dose (300 mg/kg s.c.) of urethan and then kept without further treatment until 30 and 40 weeks (males) or 30 and 65 weeks (females) [3].
  • Immunoblot analysis revealed that AC5/6 and AC3 are expressed in parotid glands [4].
  • Maximum stimulation of enzyme activity was increased in each of the AC transfectants to varying extents. alpha2A/D-AR activation elicited enzyme type-specific responses. alpha2-AR activation inhibited the effect of isoproterenol in control transfectants, and this action was magnified in AC III transfectants [5].
  • When used in in vitro fertilization, spermatozoa from these AC3(-/-) mice produced few embryos, but their fertilizing ability was restored after removal of the zona pellucida [6].

Biological context of Adcy3

  • Inactivation of the AC3 gene did not have overt effects on spermatogenesis; however, AC3(-/-) males were subfertile with only three litters generated by 11 males over a period of 6 months [6].
  • Serologic similarity between factor 4 and the binding site of MAb AC3 was also determined [7].
  • We conclude that signaling through AC3 in the MOE is obligatory for male sexual behavior, male-male aggressiveness, and the detection of some pheromones [8].

Anatomical context of Adcy3

  • Inactivation of the mouse adenylyl cyclase 3 gene disrupts male fertility and spermatozoon function [6].
  • These data support the hypothesis that AC3 is required for normal spermatid or spermatozoa function and male fertility [6].
  • As previously reported in rat, AC3 mRNA is expressed in mouse testes and localized, together with soluble AC mRNA, mainly in postmeiotic germ cells [6].
  • Molecular phenotyping demonstrated that the receptor expressing cells in the cribriform mesenchyme co-express key elements, including Galpha(olf), ACIII and OMP, characteristic for olfactory neurons in the nasal epithelium [9].
  • Furthermore, adenylyl cyclase activity in membranes prepared from the MOE of wild-type mice, but not AC3-/- mice, is stimulated by 2-heptanone, a mouse pheromone [8].

Associations of Adcy3 with chemical compounds

  • Interestingly, electroolfactogram (EOG) responses stimulated by either cAMP- or inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate- (IP3-) inducing odorants were completely ablated in AC3 mutants, despite the presence of AC2 and AC4 in olfactory cilia [2].
  • Immunoblots were analyzed for the presence of transduction components enriched in olfactory cilia: adenylyl cyclase type III (ACIII), heterotrimeric G-protein subunit Galphaolf and the 1 C2 isoform of phosphodiesterase (PDE 1 C2) [10].
  • Lung and colon tumors were induced in A/J, C3H, and A/J X C3H (AC3) mice by administering 16 mg/kg vinyl carbamate followed by 6 weekly doses of 12 mg/kg azoxymethane (AOM) [11].
  • Dexamethasone and piroxicam reduced the multiplicity of colon and lung tumors in A/J and AC3 mice, demonstrating the advantage of a combined colon and lung bioassay [11].
  • The AC3 mutant had expanded deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate pools [12].

Other interactions of Adcy3

  • Of particular interest were AC3 and AC8, located in the same regions as, and hence possibly directly associated with, specific cell surface receptors and G proteins that are able to regulate the spermatozoon's acquisition and maintenance of fertilizing ability via changes in AC/cAMP [13].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Adcy3

  • Two MAbs, CB6 (C. tropicalis and C. albicans A specific) and AC3 (C. tropicalis and C. albicans A and B specific), functioned in place of polyclonal antisera in the serotyping of C. albicans by immunofluorescence [7].


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