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Gene Review

Nr1i3  -  nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group I,...

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AA209988, AI551208, CAR, CAR-beta, CAR1, ...
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Disease relevance of Nr1i3


Psychiatry related information on Nr1i3


High impact information on Nr1i3


Biological context of Nr1i3


Anatomical context of Nr1i3

  • Mutations of the xenobiotic response sequence (XRS), which had been shown to block PB-dependent nuclear translocation of human CAR in mouse hepatocytes in vivo, also blocked GRIP1-mediated nuclear accumulation of mCAR in mouse hepatocytes in vivo and further blocked nuclear localization in cultured HepG2 cells [14].
  • Here, we have shown the presence of CAR at the cell membrane of mouse livers, using Car+/+ and Car-/- mice [15].
  • Furthermore, none of the mice in which macrophages were depleted by long-term treatment with silica and 10% of the mice treated with Car before virus infection became diabetic [16].
  • CAR2 protein was detected primarily in the endometrial epithelia and from PND 3 to PND 18 in the uteri of neonatal mice [17].
  • The modulation of NK activity in Car-treated mice is not due to the variation of the number of NK cells, since the frequency of target-binding cells (TBC) was not modified [18].

Associations of Nr1i3 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Nr1i3


Regulatory relationships of Nr1i3


Other interactions of Nr1i3


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Nr1i3


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