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Gene Review

Srebf2  -  sterol regulatory element binding factor 2

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AI608257, SREBP-2, SREBP2, SREBP2gc, Srebp2, ...
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High impact information on Srebf2


Biological context of Srebf2


Anatomical context of Srebf2

  • Our RT-PCR results also show that SREBP2 as well as SREBP1c mRNAs are detectable in prepubertal and postpubertal male germ cells while SREBP1a is not detected [9].
  • We further show that the amount of nuclear SREBP-2 protein also increases despite no increase in SREBP-2 mRNA, suggesting that proteolytic cleavage of SREBPs is induced in lipid loaded adipocytes [10].
  • Surprisingly, three SREBP2 immunoreactive proteins (72, 63 and 55kDa), that are not present in mouse liver nuclei, reside in testis nuclei of prepubertal and adult mice [9].
  • SREBP2gc is selectively enriched in spermatocytes and spermatids, and, due to its novel structure, its synthesis is not subject to cholesterol feedback control [8].
  • Suppression of ABCG1 expression increased cholesteryl ester formation and decreased SREBP2 target gene expression in macrophages, even in the absence of HDL acceptors [11].

Associations of Srebf2 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Srebf2

  • These results demonstrate that SREBP-2 appears to promote adipocyte differentiation as well as SREBP-1 and that the proteolytic activation of SREBPs may be induced by an as-yet unidentified mechanism in lipid loaded adipocytes [10].
  • Abnormal regulation of SREBP2 appears to be responsible for the failure to suppress cholesterol synthesis in genetically cholesterol gallstone-susceptible mice [15].

Other interactions of Srebf2

  • Northern blot analysis of the livers from transgenic mice demonstrated that this gene was highly induced by SREBP-1a, SREBP-1c, and SREBP-2 [16].
  • However, a near-complete suppression of nuclear SREBP2 related to low Hmgcr mRNA levels was noticed only for gallstone-resistant AKR mice [15].
  • The 55kDa protein is likely SREBP2gc, the other two isoforms are novel [9].
  • A total of 1,003 genes showed statistically significant increased expression in livers of transgenic SREBP-1a mice, 505 increased in livers of transgenic SREBP-2 mice, and 343 showed decreased expression in Scap-/- livers [17].
  • On the contrary, SREBP 2 mRNA quantities varied during the myelination period similarly to the lipogenic gene mRNAs, and the levels measured in trembler represented only 10% of the normal values [18].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Srebf2

  • Refeeding a high carbohydrate/low fat diet resulted in a 4- to 5-fold increase of nuclear SREBP-1 above nonfasted levels, whereas nuclear SREBP-2 protein returned only to the nonfasted level [19].


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