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Gene Review

HBVgp1  -  Polymerase

Hepatitis B virus

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Disease relevance of HBVgp1

  • The 87 nucleotides in the precore region of the hepatitis B virus were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and then directly sequenced [1].
  • METHODS: With the polymerase chain reaction, we searched for HBV DNA in liver and serum samples from 200 HBsAg-negative patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related liver disease (147 with chronic hepatitis, 48 with cirrhosis, and 5 with minimal histologic changes) [2].
  • Efforts to examine the biochemical mechanism for viral DNA synthesis have been hampered by the failure to solubilize the reverse transcriptase from virions and to express the polymerase in heterologous systems in an enzymatically active form [3].
  • In retroviruses and retrotransposons it is expressed as a nucleocapsid-polymerase fusion protein by ribosomal frameshifting during translation of the overlapping region [4].
  • After receiving lamivudine for 3 years to treat chronic hepatitis B, 67-75% of patients develop B-domain L528M, C-domain M552I, or M552V mutations in the HBV polymerase that render hepatitis B virus (HBV) drug-resistant [5].

Psychiatry related information on HBVgp1


High impact information on HBVgp1


Chemical compound and disease context of HBVgp1


Biological context of HBVgp1


Anatomical context of HBVgp1

  • Furthermore, CD4+ T cells from donor/recipient pairs recognized similar epitopes on hepatitis B core antigen; using polymerase chain reaction for the Y chromosome, the recipients' CD4+ T lymphocytes were confirmed to be of donor origin [20].
  • Together, these results demonstrate that the HBV X protein up-regulates RNA Pol I-dependent promoters via a Ras-activated pathway in two distinct cell lines [21].
  • A second RNA polymerase II promoter preceding the HBcAg gene was also active in the cell-free system [22].
  • We used an anchor polymerase chain reaction method to compare the repertoires of transcribed T-cell receptor beta chain variable region (V beta) genes in cord blood T cells from neonates of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive (n = 40) and HBsAg negative (n = 40) women [23].
  • Mimicry between the hepatitis B virus DNA polymerase and the antigenic targets of nuclear and smooth muscle antibodies in chronic hepatitis B virus infection [24].

Associations of HBVgp1 with chemical compounds

  • FINDINGS: DNA sequencing showed a common mutation within the YMDD locus of the HBV polymerase gene in all patients during lamivudine treatment [25].
  • Comparison of pretreatment and posttreatment HBV DNA by polymerase chain reaction sequencing identified a novel asparagine to threonine mutation at residue rt236 in domain D of the HBV polymerase [9].
  • This interaction, in turn, activates the reverse transcription reaction, which is primed by a tyrosine residue on the polymerase [26].
  • These findings indicate that a prolonged administration of famciclovir may allow for the selection of HBV polymerase gene mutants in immune competent patients [13].
  • HBV DNA polymerase mutants M552I, M552V, and L528M/M552V showed resistance to lamivudine triphosphate with inhibition constants (Ki) increased by 8.0-fold, 19.6-fold, and 25.2-fold compared with that of wild-type HBV DNA polymerase [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of HBVgp1


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