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Hepatitis B Virus, Duck

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Disease relevance of Hepatitis B Virus, Duck


High impact information on Hepatitis B Virus, Duck


Chemical compound and disease context of Hepatitis B Virus, Duck

  • Duck hepatitis B virus deoxyribonucleic acid, which was measured in total cellular deoxyribonucleic acid extracted from liver biopsy specimens obtained before and on the last day of treatment with dideoxycytidine, showed an average inhibition of 96% in 3 ducks treated with dideoxycytidine, but showed no decrease in the remaining 5 ducks [6].
  • Furthermore, in vivo, penciclovir and its orally administered prodrug famciclovir strongly inhibited DHBV replication [9].
  • The antiviral effect of these inhibitors was also evaluated against 3TC-resistant mutants of the DHBV and HBV polymerases [10].
  • Long-term ganciclovir chemotherapy for congenital duck hepatitis B virus infection in vivo: effect on intrahepatic-viral DNA, RNA, and protein expression [11].
  • Moreover, both purine analogs remained active against DHBV and HBV 3TC-resistant mutants in transfected LMH and HepG2 cells, respectively [10].

Biological context of Hepatitis B Virus, Duck


Anatomical context of Hepatitis B Virus, Duck


Gene context of Hepatitis B Virus, Duck


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Hepatitis B Virus, Duck


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