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Wolffian Duct

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Disease relevance of Wolffian Duct


High impact information on Wolffian Duct


Biological context of Wolffian Duct


Anatomical context of Wolffian Duct


Associations of Wolffian Duct with chemical compounds


Gene context of Wolffian Duct

  • In situ hybridization experiments using mouse embryos showed that during kidney development, Klf6 was expressed selectively in the Wolffian duct and in its derivatives [19].
  • We find that chicken Dmrt1 is expressed in the genital ridge and Wolffian duct prior to sexual differentiation and is expressed at higher levels in ZZ than in ZW embryos [20].
  • The addition of Gdnf protein to urogenital tracts taken from Gdf11 null embryos induced ectopic ureteric bud formation along the Wolffian duct [21].
  • Applied locally on agarose beads, neurturin induces supernumerary ureteric buds to emerge from the wolffian duct and causes nearby collecting duct branches to distend to an abnormally large diameter [22].
  • However, the Wolffian duct from Wt1 -/- embryos was a competent inducer of wild-type metanephric mesenchyme [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Wolffian Duct


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