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Bacteriophage T7

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Disease relevance of Bacteriophage T7


High impact information on Bacteriophage T7

  • Using hairpin II of U1 small nuclear RNA (U1hpII) or the 3' stem loop of histone mRNA as bait, we could selectively amplify T7 phage that display either the spliceosomal protein U1A or the histone stem loop-binding protein from a lung cDNA phage library containing more than 10(7) independent clones [6].
  • Targeting of pseudocomplementary PNAs to the promoter of the T7 phage RNA polymerase effectively inhibits transcription initiation [7].
  • Genetic analysis of T7 phage defective in gene 2.5 shows that the gene 2.5 protein is essential for T7 DNA replication and growth [8].
  • The recoverin coding sequence was inserted into a pET-11a expression vector under control of the T7 phage promoter [9].
  • For this, we generated T7 phage display libraries of N-terminally and C-terminally truncated FGF-BP1 fragments that were then panned against immobilized FGF-2 [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Bacteriophage T7

  • A recombinant vaccinia virus, vBGN4 encoding the mature biglycan core protein as a polyhistidine fusion protein under control of the T7 phage promoter was expressed in HT-1080 cells and UMR106 cells [11].
  • A T7 phage library expressing human liver cDNA was screened against immobilized doxorubicin to isolate doxorubicin binding proteins [12].
  • If this pretreatment was performed in the presence of D-mannose, UV-inactivated T7 phages, and pepsin-digested anti-MIAT antibodies, PMNs maintained their phagocytic activity against the MIAT-negative strain [13].
  • Dielectric membrane breakdown induced by the applied voltage pulse caused the micropipet tip to enter the liposome and a small volume (typically 50-500 x 10(-15) L) of fluorescein, YOYO-intercalated T7-phage DNA, 100-nm-diameter unilamellar liposomes, or fluorescent latex spheres could be injected into the intraliposomal compartment [14].
  • A novel fluorescent probe: europium complex hybridized T7 phage [15].

Biological context of Bacteriophage T7


Anatomical context of Bacteriophage T7


Gene context of Bacteriophage T7

  • Screening for hPDIR-binding proteins using a T7 phage display system revealed that alpha1-antitrypsin binds to hPDIR [22].
  • In addition, untreated T7 phage unexpectedly displayed reduced plating efficiency and decreased DNA synthesis in the xth nfo double mutant [23].
  • T7 phages that contain null mutants of gene 2.5 were constructed by homologous recombination [8].
  • We have examined the effect of amino acid substitution(s) in this region on T7 phage growth and on the interaction of the polymerase with thioredoxin [24].
  • DNA polymerase activity in these phage-infected cell extracts is undetectable at assay temperatures of 30 degrees C or 42 degrees C. Upon infection at 30 degrees C, both DNA synthesis in vivo and DNA polymerase activity in cell extracts assayed at 30 degrees C or 42 degrees C approach levels observed using wild-type T7 phage [25].


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