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Antigen-Antibody Reactions

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Disease relevance of Antigen-Antibody Reactions


High impact information on Antigen-Antibody Reactions


Biological context of Antigen-Antibody Reactions


Anatomical context of Antigen-Antibody Reactions


Associations of Antigen-Antibody Reactions with chemical compounds


Gene context of Antigen-Antibody Reactions

  • CONCLUSION: Our results indicated that HDM-provoked asthma is associated with overproduction of LT with an antigen-antibody reaction, while AIA is associated with overproduction of LT with a shift to the 5-lipoxygenase series of the arachidonate cascade [22].
  • This is to be compared with a factor of less than 10 for charged and neutral substrates of acetylcholinesterase, and with a similar factor in antigen-antibody reactions [23].
  • The inhibitory effect of neurotensin was not seen when histamine release was induced by an antigen-antibody effect of neurotensin was not seen when histamine release was induced by an antigen-antibody reaction or by the ionophore, A 23187 [24].
  • They found that due to the different specificities of monoclonal antibodies, 2 antigen-antibody reactions, AFP with immobilized antibody and AFP with labeled antibody, could be accomplished in a single step [25].
  • Due to their different specificities the antibody attached to the solid phase and the one conjugated to the enzyme did not compete for binding to AFP making it possible to complete the two antigen-antibody reactions required in a single, short incubation [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Antigen-Antibody Reactions


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