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Neck Dissection

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Disease relevance of Neck Dissection


High impact information on Neck Dissection


Chemical compound and disease context of Neck Dissection


Biological context of Neck Dissection


Anatomical context of Neck Dissection


Associations of Neck Dissection with chemical compounds

  • METHOD AND MATERIALS: Between 1983-1989, 80 patients were entered onto larynx preservation protocols involving 1-3 cycles of cisplatin based chemotherapy followed by radiation therapy with or without neck dissection [19].
  • Three to 4 weeks later, radical surgery of the primary site and neck dissections for patients presenting with cervical adenopathy was undertaken or if a complete response had been achieved, continued with radiation to 72 Gy with another course of concurrent continuous infusion cis-platinum [20].
  • Eight goats were anaesthetized with isoflurane and neck dissections performed which allowed cranial bypass [21].
  • In eight patients undergoing radical neck dissection, 1.8 ml of lidocaine with epinephrine or its control was injected into the sternocleidomastoid muscle approximately 18 hours before surgery [22].
  • METHODS: In 5 patients, technetium 99m-labeled particles were injected close to the operation scar on the day before neck dissection, and the labeled neck nodes were revealed by lymphoscintigraphy [23].

Gene context of Neck Dissection


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Neck Dissection


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