MeSH Review:
Colonic Pouches
von Felbert,
- Stapled ileoanal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis and familial polyposis without a temporary diverting ileostomy. Sugerman, H.J., Newsome, H.H., Decosta, G., Zfass, A.M. Ann. Surg. (1991)
- Familial adenomatous polyposis: prevalence of adenomas in the ileal pouch after restorative proctocolectomy. Parc, Y.R., Olschwang, S., Desaint, B., Schmitt, G., Parc, R.G., Tiret, E. Ann. Surg. (2001)
- Extraintestinal manifestations of ulcerative colitis following restorative proctocolectomy. Thomas, P.D., Keat, A.C., Forbes, A., Ciclitira, P.J., Nicholls, R.J. European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology. (1999)
- The functional result of pelvic ileal reservoir in 10 patients with familial adenomatous polyposis. Everett, W.G., Forty, J. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. (1989)
- Evaluation of J-pouch reconstruction after total gastrectomy: rho-double tract vs. J-pouch double tract. Fujiwara, Y., Kusunoki, M., Nakagawa, K., Tanaka, T., Hatada, T., Yamamura, T. Digestive surgery. (2000)
- Mucin gene expression in the ileoanal reservoir is altered and may be relevant to the risk of inflammation and dysplasia. Sylvester, P.A., Walsh, M., Myerscough, N., Warren, B.F., Corfield, A.P., Thomas, M.G., Durdey, P. Gut (2002)
- Perioperative growth hormone treatment and functional outcome after major abdominal surgery: a randomized, double-blind, controlled study. Kissmeyer-Nielsen, P., Jensen, M.B., Laurberg, S. Ann. Surg. (1999)
- Cobalamin profiles in patients after urinary diversion. Sagalowsky, A.I., Frenkel, E.P. J. Urol. (2002)
- Effects of loperamide on ileoanal pouch function. Herbst, F., Kamm, M.A., Nicholls, R.J. The British journal of surgery. (1998)
- Xylose absorption and metabolic status in urinary intestinal orthotopic reservoir: ileocecal compared with ileal neobladder. Racioppi, M., Mingrone, G., D'Addessi, A., Fanasca, A., Benedetti, G., Capristo, E., Alcini, A., Alcini, E. J. Urol. (1998)
- Acid-base and electrolyte balance in urinary intestinal orthotopic reservoir: ileocecal neobladder compared with ileal neobladder. Racioppi, M., D'Addessi, A., Fanasca, A., Mingrone, G., Capristo, E., Benedetti, G., Alcini, A., Alcini, E. Urology (1999)
- Luminal neutrophil migration in ileoanal pouches studied by whole gut lavage. Evgenikos, N.L., Bartolo, D.C., Hamer-Hodges, D.W., Ghosh, S. European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology. (2000)
- Does loperamide affect motor activity after proctocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis? An experimental study in dogs. Willis, S., von Felbert, V., Buss, A., Schippers, E., Schumpelick, V. International journal of colorectal disease. (2001)
- Azoreductase and nitroreductase activity of bacteria in feces from patients with an ileal reservoir. Rafii, F., Ruseler-Van Embden, J.G., Asad, Y.F. Dig. Dis. Sci. (1997)
- A novel operative technique on proximal gastrectomy reconstructed by interposition of a jejunal J pouch with preservation of the vagal nerve and lower esophageal sphincter. Tomita, R., Fujisaki, S., Tanjoh, K., Fukuzawa, M. Hepatogastroenterology (2001)
- Absorption of sodium and chloride in continent reservoirs for urine: comparison of ileal and colonic reservoirs. Davidsson, T., Akerlund, S., Forssell-Aronsson, E., Kock, N.G., Månsson, W. J. Urol. (1994)
- Estimation of small bowel transit time following colectomy and ileal reservoir construction. Kmiot, W.A., O'Brien, J.D., Awad, R., Keighley, M.R. The British journal of surgery. (1992)
- Nitrosamine excretion in patients with continent ileal reservoirs for urinary diversion. Gröschel, J., Riedasch, G., Kälble, T., Tricker, A.R. J. Urol. (1992)
- Luminal nitric oxide in ileal reservoirs for continent cutaneous diversion or orthotopic bladder reconstruction. Pazooki, D., Kilander, A., Lindholm, E., Olin, A.C., Törnqvist, H., Ung, K.A., Jonsson, O. Eur. Urol. (2005)
- An assessment of the risk of neoplasia in long-term ileal reservoirs using the DMH rodent model. Heppell, J., De Zubiria, M., Brais, M.F., Durh, M.A., Carioto, S., Boivin, Y., Potvin, C. Dis. Colon Rectum (1990)
- Mucosal concentrations of interleukin-1 beta, interleukin-6, interleukin-8, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in pelvic ileal pouches. Gionchetti, P., Campieri, M., Belluzzi, A., Bertinelli, E., Ferretti, M., Brignola, C., Poggioli, G., Miglioli, M., Barbara, L. Dig. Dis. Sci. (1994)
- Leucocyte typing, cytokine expression, and epithelial turnover in the ileal pouch in patients with ulcerative colitis and familial adenomatous polyposis. Goldberg, P.A., Herbst, F., Beckett, C.G., Martelli, B., Kontakou, M., Talbot, I.C., Ciclitira, P.J., Nicholls, R.J. Gut (1996)
- Adaptive increase in peptide YY and enteroglucagon after proctocolectomy and pelvic ileal reservoir construction. Armstrong, D.N., Ballantyne, G.H., Adrian, T.E., Bilchik, A.J., McMillen, M.A., Modlin, I.M. Dis. Colon Rectum (1991)
- Role of peptide YY and enteroglucagon after low anterior resection. Comparison between straight and colonic J-pouch anastomosis. Hallböök, O., Adrian, T.E., Permert, J., Staab, P. Dis. Colon Rectum (1996)
- Outcome of pouch-related complications after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. Dayton, M.T., Larsen, K.P. Am. J. Surg. (1997)
- Twenty year experience with familial polyposis coli in Cape Town. Aitken, R.J., Elliot, M.S., Torrington, M., Louw, J.H. The British journal of surgery. (1986)
- The mucosal blood flow in pelvic pouches in man. A methodologic study of fluorescein flowmetry. Perbeck, L., Lindquist, K., Liljeqvist, L. Dis. Colon Rectum (1985)