MeSH Review:
Addison Disease
Beate Skinningsrud,
Eystein S. Husebye,
Simon H. Pearce,
David O. McDonald,
Kristin Brandal,
Anette B. Wolff,
Kristian Løvås,
Thore Egeland,
Dag E. Undlien,
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- Microsatellite polymorphism of the MHC class I chain-related (MIC-A and MIC-B) genes marks the risk for autoimmune Addison's disease. Gambelunghe, G., Falorni, A., Ghaderi, M., Laureti, S., Tortoioli, C., Santeusanio, F., Brunetti, P., Sanjeevi, C.B. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (1999)
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