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Disease relevance of Blastomyces


High impact information on Blastomyces


Chemical compound and disease context of Blastomyces

  • The Premier Blastomyces EIA kit (Meridian Diagnostics Inc, Cincinnati, Ohio) detected antibody against the B dermatitidis A-antigen in sera from 104 of 125 patients (83%) with culture-proven blastomycosis [10].

Biological context of Blastomyces


Anatomical context of Blastomyces

  • Preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to isolate individual components of an alkaline-soluble-water-soluble fraction of the cell wall of Blastomyces dermatitidis yeast phase [13].
  • Efficacy of brain heart infusion-egg albumen agar, yeast extract phosphate agar and peptone glucose agar media for isolation of Blastomyces dermatitidis from sputum [14].

Associations of Blastomyces with chemical compounds


Gene context of Blastomyces

  • Activation, binding, and processing of complement component 3 (C3) by Blastomyces dermatitidis [19].
  • Transferrin independent serum inhibition of Blastomyces dermatitidis [20].
  • Genomic cloning, characterization, and functional analysis of the major surface adhesin WI-1 on Blastomyces dermatitidis yeasts [9].
  • Five days after being inoculated with Blastomyces dermatitidis, infected mice were treated with either oral SCH 39304, fluconazole, or intraperitoneal amphotericin B [21].
  • We undertook this study to determine if the epitope(s) that reacts with CF antibody is the same or differs from the epitopes that are shared with Histoplasma capsulatum and Blastomyces dermatitidis [22].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Blastomyces


  1. Immunoadjuvant effects of Blastomyces dermatitidis against EL 4 lymphoma in C57BL/6J mice. McDaniel, L.S., Cozad, G.C. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (1982) [Pubmed]
  2. Treatment of blastomycosis with fluconazole: a pilot study. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Mycoses Study Group. Pappas, P.G., Bradsher, R.W., Chapman, S.W., Kauffman, C.A., Dine, A., Cloud, G.A., Dismukes, W.E. Clin. Infect. Dis. (1995) [Pubmed]
  3. Review of the safety and efficacy of voriconazole. Hoffman, H.L., Rathbun, R.C. Expert opinion on investigational drugs. (2002) [Pubmed]
  4. Characterization of uptake of 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose by fungal-associated inflammation: the differential uptake ratio for blastomyces-associated lesions is as high as for lymphoma and higher than for turpentine abscesses in experimentally induced lesions in rats. Bassett, C.L., Daniel, G.B., Bochsler, P.N., Legendre, A.M., Smith, G.T. Molecular imaging and biology : MIB : the official publication of the Academy of Molecular Imaging. (2002) [Pubmed]
  5. Immunologic recognition of a 25-amino acid repeat arrayed in tandem on a major antigen of Blastomyces dermatitidis. Klein, B.S., Hogan, L.H., Jones, J.M. J. Clin. Invest. (1993) [Pubmed]
  6. Failure of ketoconazole treatment of Blastomyces dermatitidis [corrected] due to interaction of isoniazid and rifampin. Abadie-Kemmerly, S., Pankey, G.A., Dalovisio, J.R., Dalvisio, J.R. Ann. Intern. Med. (1988) [Pubmed]
  7. Differential Requirements of T Cell Subsets for CD40 Costimulation in Immunity to Blastomyces dermatitidis. Wüthrich, M., Fisette, P.L., Filutowicz, H.I., Klein, B.S. J. Immunol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  8. The WI-1 adhesin blocks phagocyte TNF-alpha production, imparting pathogenicity on Blastomyces dermatitidis. Finkel-Jimenez, B., Wüthrich, M., Brandhorst, T., Klein, B.S. J. Immunol. (2001) [Pubmed]
  9. Genomic cloning, characterization, and functional analysis of the major surface adhesin WI-1 on Blastomyces dermatitidis yeasts. Hogan, L.H., Josvai, S., Klein, B.S. J. Biol. Chem. (1995) [Pubmed]
  10. Detection of specific antibodies in human blastomycosis by enzyme immunoassay. Bradsher, R.W., Pappas, P.G. South. Med. J. (1995) [Pubmed]
  11. Role of glucan and surface protein BAD1 in complement activation by Blastomyces dermatitidis yeast. Zhang, M.X., Brandhorst, T.T., Kozel, T.R., Klein, B.S. Infect. Immun. (2001) [Pubmed]
  12. Molecular genetic variation in Emmonsia crescens and Emmonsia parva, etiologic agents of adiaspiromycosis, and their phylogenetic relationship to Blastomyces dermatitidis (Ajellomyces dermatitidis) and other systemic fungal pathogens. Peterson, S.W., Sigler, L. J. Clin. Microbiol. (1998) [Pubmed]
  13. Isolation of a purified skin test antigen from Blastomyces dermatitidis yeast-phase cell wall. Lancaster, M.V., Sprouse, R.F. Infect. Immun. (1976) [Pubmed]
  14. Efficacy of brain heart infusion-egg albumen agar, yeast extract phosphate agar and peptone glucose agar media for isolation of Blastomyces dermatitidis from sputum. Chaturvedi, S., Randhawa, H.S., Chaturvedi, V.P., Khan, Z.U. Mycopathologia (1990) [Pubmed]
  15. Comparative activities of UK-49,858 and amphotericin B against Blastomyces dermatitidis infections in mice. Lyman, C.A., Sugar, A.M., Diamond, R.D. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (1986) [Pubmed]
  16. Susceptibilities of clinical and laboratory isolates of Blastomyces dermatitidis to ketoconazole, itraconazole, and fluconazole. Chapman, S.W., Rogers, P.D., Rinaldi, M.G., Sullivan, D.C. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (1998) [Pubmed]
  17. In vitro and in vivo activities of SCH 56592 against Blastomyces dermatitidis. Sugar, A.M., Liu, X.P. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (1996) [Pubmed]
  18. Efficacy of nikkomycin Z against experimental pulmonary blastomycosis. Clemons, K.V., Stevens, D.A. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (1997) [Pubmed]
  19. Activation, binding, and processing of complement component 3 (C3) by Blastomyces dermatitidis. Zhang, M.X., Klein, B. Infect. Immun. (1997) [Pubmed]
  20. Transferrin independent serum inhibition of Blastomyces dermatitidis. Giles, S., Czuprynski, C. Microb. Pathog. (2002) [Pubmed]
  21. Treatment of murine pulmonary blastomycosis with SCH 39304, a new triazole antifungal agent. Sugar, A.M., Picard, M., Noble, L. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (1990) [Pubmed]
  22. Mapping of a Coccidioides immitis-specific epitope that reacts with complement-fixing antibody. Yang, M.C., Magee, D.M., Cox, R.A. Infect. Immun. (1997) [Pubmed]
  23. Inhibition of Blastomyces dermatitidis by topical lidocaine. Taylor, M.R., Lawson, L.A., Boyce, J.M., Lockwood, W.R. Chest (1983) [Pubmed]
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