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Gene Review

PARVA  -  parvin, alpha

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: Actopaxin, Alpha-parvin, CH-ILKBP, Calponin-like integrin-linked kinase-binding protein, FLJ10793, ...
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Disease relevance of PARVA


Psychiatry related information on PARVA

  • Scientists agree that Aristotle in his Parva Naturalia was the first to report a visual illusion known as the motion aftereffect (MAE) [6].
  • Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol differentially suppresses emesis versus enhanced locomotor activity produced by chemically diverse dopamine D2/D3 receptor agonists in the least shrew (Cryptotis parva) [7].

High impact information on PARVA


Chemical compound and disease context of PARVA


Biological context of PARVA

  • The human alpha-parvin gene (PARVA), extending over 160 kb, is located on chromosome 11 [15].
  • Furthermore, they demonstrate that alpha- and beta-parvins play distinct roles in mammalian cells and suggest that the formation of the ILK-alpha-parvin complex is crucial for protection of cells from apoptosis [16].
  • Here we demonstrate, using several different approaches, that inhibiting ILK kinase activity, or expression, results in the inhibition of cell attachment, cell migration, F-actin organization, and the specific cytoskeletal localization of CH-ILKBP and paxillin in human cells [17].
  • The activating phosphorylation of protein kinase B (PKB/Akt), a key regulator of apoptosis, is impaired in the absence of CH-ILKBP [9].
  • Furthermore, the CH2 domain alone is sufficient for FA targeting, and a point mutation that inhibits the ILK-binding impaired the FA localization of CH-ILKBP [18].

Anatomical context of PARVA

  • In this study, we investigated the role of ILK, and its binding partners PINCH, alpha-parvin, and Mig-2 in matrix-induced hepatocyte differentiation [19].
  • We show here that ILK forms a complex with PINCH and CH-ILKBP in primary mesangial cells, which are co-clustered at fibrillar adhesions, sites that are involved in fibronectin matrix deposition [20].
  • The GFP-tagged alpha-parvin co-localizes with actin filaments at membrane ruffles, focal contacts and tensin-rich fibers in the central area of fibroblasts [21].
  • Theileria parva infection induces autocrine growth of bovine lymphocytes [22].
  • The clones were derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of an animal immunized with T. parva (Muguga stock), after five stimulations in vitro with an autologous parasitized cell line [23].

Associations of PARVA with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of PARVA


Other interactions of PARVA


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PARVA


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