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Chemical Compound Review

glutamate     (2S)-2-aminopentanedioic acid

Synonyms: Glutaton, glutacid, Aciglut, Glusate, Glutamicol, ...
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Disease relevance of POLYGLUTAMIC ACID

  • Treatment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with antisense oligonucleotides to glutamine synthetase mRNA inhibits glutamine synthetase activity, formation of the poly-L-glutamate/glutamine cell wall structure, and bacterial replication [1].
  • The inhibitory effect of M protein was manifested for both Pardaxin-induced and Triton-induced transcription at high concentrations of vesicular stomatitis virions; however, unlike the Triton-induced reaction, the inhibitory effect of M protein was not reversed by polyglutamic acid added to the Pardaxin-induced transcription reaction [2].
  • The synthesis of polyglutamic acid (PGA) was repressed by exogenous glutamate in strains of Bacillus licheniformis but not in strains of Bacillus subtilis, indicating a clear difference in the regulation of synthesis of capsular slime in these two species [3].
  • It is noteworthy that in this experimental form of peliosis hepatis and in that observed earlier in rats treated with basic polyglutamic acid derivatives, severe defibrination was detected and, as in most human cases, not only the liver but other organs were also involved in the peliotic lesions [4].

High impact information on POLYGLUTAMIC ACID


Biological context of POLYGLUTAMIC ACID


Anatomical context of POLYGLUTAMIC ACID


Associations of POLYGLUTAMIC ACID with other chemical compounds



  • The XNF-L was very similar to mouse NF-L, with a 77% sequence identity in the rod domain and the presence of a polyglutamic acid region in the tail domain, characteristic of type IV neurofilament proteins [23].
  • Under similar conditions, other proteins such as G-actin, protein kinase C, polyglutamic acid, and gelatin did not bind to Abeta [24].
  • JEAP contained a polyglutamic acid repeat at the N-terminal region, a coiled-coil domain at the middle region, and a consensus motif for binding to PDZ domains at the C-terminal region [25].
  • Sequencing of the loci encoding amylase, cellulase, chitinases, and proteases, as well as the degS/degU operon, which is instrumental in the regulation of degradative enzymes, and the pga operon, which is responsible for polyglutamic acid production, revealed no differences [26].
  • Under similar conditions, other proteins such as apolipoprotein E, gelsolin and polyglutamic acid did not interact with NBD-PA [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of POLYGLUTAMIC ACID

  • Poly-L-glutamate did not enhance gene transfer in the absence of electroporation [13].
  • Osteocalcin or bone gamma-glutamic acid-containing protein (GLA protein) was isolated from human bone and used to develop a homologous radioimmunoassay of human osteocalcin [28].
  • Microinjection of remodeling factors resulted in apparent differences in the rate of blastocyst development and in pregnancy initiation rates in both NPL- and PGA-injected embryos, and these differences were dependent on factor concentration and/or the time of injection [17].


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