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Chemical Compound Review

AC1NRUES     2-(2,4-dihydroxy-6-methyl- phenyl)ethanoic...

Synonyms: 2-(2,4-dihydroxy-6-methylphenyl)acetic acid
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Disease relevance of 2,3-DHTOP

  • In contrast to PCR amplification, RCA using phi29 DNA polymerase does not produce mutant jackpots, and the high processivity of the enzyme eliminates stuttering at homopolymer tracts [1].
  • We identified frequent deletion/insertion polymorphisms in the 20-alanine homopolymer stretch of PMX2B, with a modest association between these functional polymorphisms and constant exotropia in schizophrenia (P=0.029) [2].
  • Homopolymer replication systems and measurement of precise product chain length have been used to elucidate two new points about the mechanism of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I large fragment: chain termination as a function of product chain length is multiphasic, and polynucleotides exert a secondary effect in the mechanism of this enzyme [3].
  • Isolation of bacterial and phage proteins by homopolymer RNA-cellulose chromatography [4].
  • Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A capsular polysaccharide (CPS) is composed of a homopolymer of O-acetylated, alpha1-->6-linked ManNAc 1-phosphate that is distinct from the capsule structures of the other meningococcal disease-causing serogroups, B, C, Y, and W-135 [5].

Psychiatry related information on 2,3-DHTOP

  • Fragile X Mental Retardation protein (FMRP) is an RNA-binding protein that contains multiple domains with apparently differential affinity to mRNA and to the ribonucleotide homopolymer poly(G) [6].

High impact information on 2,3-DHTOP

  • The germline T-to-A transversion responsible for the APC I1307K allele converts the wild-type sequence to a homopolymer tract (A8) that is genetically unstable and prone to somatic mutation [7].
  • Hybrid plasmid molecules containing tandemly repeated Drosophila satellite DNA were constructed using a modification of the (dA)-(dT) homopolymer procedure of Lobban and Kaiser (1973) [8].
  • Binding of a homopolymer of thymidine occurred on both the alpha M and beta 2 subunits [9].
  • The crystal structure of a B-type DNA dodecamer containing a homopolymeric run of six A.T base pairs shows that this region possesses special structural features, including a system of bifurcated hydrogen bonds, which explains some of the properties of this simple homopolymer [10].
  • Native vWF is a disulphide-bonded homopolymer; the monomeric subunits, of apparent relative molecular mass (Mr) 220,000 (220K) are derived from an intracellular precursor estimated at 260-275K [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of 2,3-DHTOP


Biological context of 2,3-DHTOP


Anatomical context of 2,3-DHTOP


Associations of 2,3-DHTOP with other chemical compounds


Gene context of 2,3-DHTOP

  • When expressed in E.coli, the mature form of human frataxin assembles into a stable homopolymer that can bind approximately 10 atoms of iron per molecule of frataxin [32].
  • Polysialic acid, a homopolymer of alpha2,8-linked sialic acid expressed on the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), is thought to play critical roles in neural development [33].
  • Both human and yeast RPA stimulated the polymerase and (at subsaturating levels of RPA) the primase activities of human DNA polymerase alpha/primase on homopolymer DNA templates [34].
  • A comparison between the Nsr1 and hnRNP A1 proteins, based on homopolymer RNA binding to their structural domains in vitro, revealed a striking biochemical similarity [35].
  • The distinct permeability properties observed in different epithelia and endothelia seemingly result from the restricted tissue expression, variability of the homopolymer and heteropolymer assembly, regulated transcription and translation, and the subcellular localization of claudin family proteins [36].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of 2,3-DHTOP

  • Furthermore, since each of the four drugs exhibits different modes of DNA binding, we conclude that the observed entropy-driven behavior for binding to poly(dA).poly(dT) reflects an intrinsic property of the homopolymer duplex that is perturbed in a common manner upon ligation rather than a common property of all four binding ligands [37].
  • DNA templates consisting of homopolymer regions were accurately sequenced by using this class of fluorescent nucleotide analogues on a DNA chip and a four-color fluorescent scanner [38].
  • As analyzed by gel filtration and electron microscopy, the homopolymer consists of globular particles of approximately 1 MDa and ordered rod-shaped polymers of these particles that accumulate small electron-dense cores [32].
  • The size of products synthesized processively by each enzyme on the two homopolymer templates was determined by gel filtration of primers extended under conditions where the enzyme did not react with a given 3'-OH terminus more than once [39].
  • Fluorescence titrations in buffered aqueous solution (pH = 7.0) confirm the superior affinity of the homopolymer toward oligoarginine peptides reaching nanomolar K(D) values for the Tat peptide [40].


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