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Chemical Compound Review

Iridal     (2Z)-2-[(2S,3S,4S)-4-hydroxy- 2-(3...

Synonyms: AC1NSWVH
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Disease relevance of Iridal

  • PDR subjects with neovascularization of iris, which suggests advanced retinal ischemia, showed a higher mean vitreous hHGF concentration than those without iridal neovascularization [7.33 +/- 1.16 ng/mL (n = 14) vs. 4.49 +/- 0.72 ng/mL (n = 19), P < 0.05] [1].
  • The humoral immune response to a virally induced feline model of human uveal melanoma was studied by examining sera from cats bearing iridal and choroidal melanomas for antibody to the feline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane antigen (FOCMA) [2].
  • In endotoxin-injected eyes, treatment with dimethylthiourea, especially at the highest dose, significantly reduced iridal hyperemia, aqueous humor cell number and protein and prostaglandin-E concentrations, and the ex vivo release of prostaglandin-E from the lens [3].
  • Affected dogs had statistically significant increases in hypersensitivity cellular responses against corneal and iridal antigens [4].
  • The membranes originated as endothelial budding from the anterior iridal stroma and seemed to mature into fibrous or fibrovascular membranes that were often followed by hyphema or, occasionally, glaucoma [5].

High impact information on Iridal


Chemical compound and disease context of Iridal


Biological context of Iridal


Anatomical context of Iridal

  • A functional study on prostanoid receptors involved in cultured human iridal melanocyte stimulation [12].
  • The outer choroidal layer, the anterior iridal surface, and the base of the ciliary body more frequently contained active inflammatory cells than the other uveal areas [13].
  • The results of this study thus strongly indicate that there seems to be an active melanin synthesis in the adult eye of the mouse, most pronounced in iridal melanocytes and in the iridal pigment epithelium [14].
  • The presence of immature melanosomes seen in electron micrographs from iridal pigment cells and melanocytes of one year old mice indicate that new melanosomes are formed in these cells also in adult animals [14].
  • The specific activity of iridal on human malaria parasite and on tumor cell lines is discussed [15].

Associations of Iridal with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Iridal


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Iridal


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  5. The pathogenesis and significance of pre-iridal fibrovascular membrane in domestic animals. Peiffer, R.L., Wilcock, B.P., Yin, H. Vet. Pathol. (1990) [Pubmed]
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  16. Effect of prostaglandins A(2), E(1), F(2 alpha)and latanoprost on cultured human iridal melanocytes. Hu, D.N., Stjernschantz, J., McCormick, S.A. Exp. Eye Res. (2000) [Pubmed]
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  21. Iridal glycosides from Iris spuria (Zeal), cultivated in Egypt. Marner, F.J., Singab, A.N., Al-Azizi, M.M., El-Emary, N.A., Schäfer, M. Phytochemistry (2002) [Pubmed]
  22. Effects of transcorneal iridal photocoagulation on the canine corneal endothelium using a diode laser. Chandler, M.J., Moore, P.A., Dietrich, U.M., Martin, C.L., Vidyashankar, A., Chen, G. Veterinary ophthalmology. (2003) [Pubmed]
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