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Disease relevance of Light


High impact information on Light


Chemical compound and disease context of Light


Biological context of Light


Anatomical context of Light


Associations of Light with chemical compounds


Gene context of Light

  • Importantly, ppk25 mutant males that show no response to females in the dark execute all of the normal steps of courtship behavior in the presence of visible light, suggesting that ppk25 is required for activation of courtship behavior by chemosensory perception of female pheromones [30].
  • UVR2 and UVR3 products were previously identified as photolyases that remove UV-induced pyrimidine dimers in the presence of visible light [31].
  • The catalytic activity of the recombinant wild-type IVD was the highest in the presence of isovaleryl-CoA, and its UV/visible light spectrum in the presence of isovaleryl-CoA showed quenching of its characteristic absorption in the 445-nm region and appearance of absorption at 600 nm [32].
  • This partial impairment of the cutaneous antioxidant defense system by near ultraviolet/visible light, showing that the most susceptible component in skin is catalase, suggests possible pharmacological interventions [33].
  • METHODS: Wildtype and c-fos-/- mice were exposed to low (roomlight) or high levels of visible light for up to two hours [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Light


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