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Chemical Compound Review

Squalestatin     (1R,2S,3S,5S,6R,7R)-5- [(4S,5R)-4-acetyloxy...

Synonyms: squalestatin 1, zaragozic acid, CHEMBL280978, SureCN408941, CHEBI:75170, ...
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Disease relevance of Squalestatin

  • RESULTS: Continuous squalestatin infusion (15 micrograms/h) decreased C7 alpha H specific activities to 4% and 12% of paired biliary fistula controls at 24 and 48 hours, respectively (P < 0.05) without any changes in S27H specific activities (82% and 95% of controls) [1].
  • They inhibited cholesterol synthesis in Hep G2 cells, and zaragozic acid A was an inhibitor of acute hepatic cholesterol synthesis in the mouse (50% inhibitory dose of 200 micrograms/kg of body weight) [2].
  • To verify whether cholesterol synthesis was required for the induction of hsp70 by OxLDL, squalestatin I (25 nM to 100 nM), an inhibitor of squalene synthase, another key enzyme of the cholesterol pathway, was used: OxLDL toxicity and hsp70 expression were not affected by this compound [3].

High impact information on Squalestatin


Biological context of Squalestatin


Anatomical context of Squalestatin


Associations of Squalestatin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Squalestatin


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Squalestatin

  • METHODS: Expression and activity of LDLR were assessed by RT-PCR and LDL entry, in the absence or presence of squalestatin or 25-hydroxycholesterol that up- or down-regulates LDLR expression, respectively [16].
  • PCR primers designed to selectively amplify the unique C-methyltransferase domain of fungal polyketide synthases were used to selectively clone a polyketide synthase gene involved in the biosynthesis of the squalene synthase inhibitor squalestatin S1 , heterologous expression of which led to the biosynthesis of the squalestatin side-chain [18].
  • Quantitative analysis of these FPP-derived dicarboxylic acids by gas-liquid chromatography revealed that approximately 11 mg of total dicarboxylic acids is excreted per day into the urine of a mouse after 3 days of treatment with zaragozic acid A [17].
  • Immunoblots were used to determine the effects of simvastatin or squalestatin on the distribution of the PAF receptor and an enzyme linked immunoassay was used to quantify the amounts of PAF receptor [19].


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  17. Massive production of farnesol-derived dicarboxylic acids in mice treated with the squalene synthase inhibitor zaragozic acid A. Vaidya, S., Bostedor, R., Kurtz, M.M., Bergstrom, J.D., Bansal, V.S. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (1998) [Pubmed]
  18. Rapid cloning and expression of a fungal polyketide synthase gene involved in squalestatin biosynthesis. Cox, R.J., Glod, F., Hurley, D., Lazarus, C.M., Nicholson, T.P., Rudd, B.A., Simpson, T.J., Wilkinson, B., Zhang, Y. Chem. Commun. (Camb.) (2004) [Pubmed]
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