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Chemical Compound Review

SureCN880     4-hydroxy-4-methyl-oxan-2-one

Synonyms: Divalonic acid, AGN-PC-0069K3, AG-K-69990, BSPBio_000740, M4667_SIGMA, ...
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Disease relevance of Mevalonic acid lactone


High impact information on Mevalonic acid lactone


Chemical compound and disease context of Mevalonic acid lactone


Biological context of Mevalonic acid lactone


Anatomical context of Mevalonic acid lactone


Associations of Mevalonic acid lactone with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Mevalonic acid lactone

  • To investigate whether the Pex5(-/-) fetuses are able to synthesise their own isoprenoids, fibroblasts derived from these mice were incubated with radiolabeled mevalonolactone as a substrate for isoprenoid synthesis [19].
  • The incorporation of mevalonolactone into pregnenolone and its sulfate ester was time- and concentration-dependent and blocked by aminoglutethimide, a competitive inhibitor of cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage (P450scc) enzyme [20].
  • Metabolic labeling of parathyroid cells with mevalonolactone demonstrated that DARPP-32 is isoprenylated [21].
  • After transection of nervus corporis allati 1 (NCA-1), the rate of mevalonolactone-stimulated JH synthesis was maintained at the preoperative levels although the spontaneous rate of JH biosynthesis decreased rapidly [22].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Mevalonic acid lactone


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