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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

Hypnone     1-phenylethanone

Synonyms: Acetofenon, Acetophenon, ACETOPHENONE, Acetylbenzol, Acetylbenzene, ...
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Disease relevance of acetophenone

  • Repair endonucleases, viz. endonuclease III, formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase (FPG protein), endonuclease IV, exonuclease III and UV endonuclease, were used to analyse the modifications induced in bacteriophage PM2 DNA by 333 nm laser irradiation in the presence of acetone or acetophenone [1].
  • For more information on this point, lambda phage were irradiated with 313 nm light in the presence of acetophenone, for which the major photoproduct is reported to be the thymine-thymine cyclobutyl dimer, with no measurable Pyr(6-4)Pyo photoproducts [2].
  • The microbial metabolism of acetophenone. Metabolism of acetophenone and some chloroacetophenones by an Arthrobacter species [3].
  • The impure dichloride salt of tetrakis[p-(dimethylamino)phenyl]ethylene and a pinacolone that is a substituted acetophenone show several biological properties, one of which is activity against lymphosarcoma in mice [4].
  • Microbial conversion of ethylbenzene to 1-phenethanol and acetophenone by Nocardia tartaricans ATCC 31190 [5].

High impact information on acetophenone

  • Phase separation of the constituents of catalytic systems eliminated substrate inhibition (hydrogenation of aldehydes) and helped formation of catalytically active species ([RhH(PPh(3))(3)] from [RhCl(PPh(3))(3)] in hydrogenation of acetophenone) [6].
  • Also, coexpression of wild-type M71 ORs with beta(2)-ARs resulted in cAMP responses to the M71 ligand acetophenone [7].
  • We also exposed pRSVcat plasmid to UVC (to induce CPD and 6-4PP), to UVC + photolyase (to leave only 6-4PP on the plasmid), or to UVB + acetophenone (to induce only CPD) [8].
  • A study of the kinetics of the hydrogenation of acetophenone in benzene catalyzed by 3a indicates a rate law: rate = k[c,c-3a](initial)[H(2)] with k = 7.5 M(-1) s(-1) [9].
  • Experimental values for the activation parameters of acetophenone reduction using the BINOLate/Al/(i)PrOH system (DeltaG# = 21.8 kcal/mol, DeltaH# = 18.5 kcal/mol, DeltaS# = -11.7 au) were determined on the basis of kinetic investigation of the reaction and are in good agreement with the computational findings for this system [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of acetophenone


Biological context of acetophenone


Anatomical context of acetophenone


Associations of acetophenone with other chemical compounds


Gene context of acetophenone

  • In the present investigation, we describe the effect of oxalyl bis (N-phenyl) hydroxamic acid (OBPHA) and copper N-(2-hydroxy acetophenone) glycinate (CuNG) on multidrug-resistant P-gp-expressing CEM/ADR5000 T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells [22].
  • We show that the odorants acetophenone and benzaldehyde are agonists for the M71 OR and that M71-expressing neurons are functionally similar in their response properties across concentration [30].
  • 4,4'Dihydroxybenzylidene acetophenone, an esterase-stable MeHPLA analog, was also found to be a good competitor, exhibiting a 50% inhibition at 100-fold molar excess concentration [31].
  • The formation of acetophenone, with one carbon less than cumene, is suggested to occur via a multistep pathway involving decarbonylation of the acyl radical from 2-phenylpropanal [32].
  • Using this whole-cell biocatalyst, efficient conversion of prochiral ketones to chiral alcohols was achieved: 66% acetophenone was reduced to (R)-phenylethanol over 12 h, whereas only 19% (R)-phenylethanol was formed under the same conditions with cells containing ADH and FDH genes but without PNT genes [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of acetophenone

  • Serum TxB2 concentrations (from clotted blood) were suppressed by 89.1% (p less than 0.001) and 41.2% (p less than 0.01) at 3 and 24 hours, respectively, following a single subcutaneous injection of 100 mg/kg of 4'-(Imidazol-1-yl) acetophenone suspended in olive oil [34].
  • Cytotoxic activities of some mono and bis Mannich bases derived from acetophenone in brine shrimp bioassay [35].


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