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Chemical Compound Review

CHEBI:47970     (2R)-2-[(2R,3R,4R,5R)-2- amino-4,5,6...

Synonyms: AC1L3OZV, Ambap1114-41-6, EINECS 214-214-9
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Disease relevance of Muramic acid


Psychiatry related information on Muramic acid


High impact information on Muramic acid

  • The sensitivity of GC-MS to detect muramic acid was 2 pg/injected amount (227 pg muramic acid/mg ST), and that of the pan-bacterial PCR was 2-20 bacteria colony forming units/reaction [4].
  • To identify the pattern recognition domains of CCF, deletion mutants were tested for their ability to reconstitute the prophenoloxidase cascade in E. foetida coelomic fluid depleted of endogenous CCF in the presence of LPS, beta-1,3-glucans, N,N'-diacetylchitobiose, and muramic acid [2].
  • Muramic acid from the synovial fluid was studied by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry [7].
  • Mass spectrometric quantitation of muramic acid, a bacterial cell wall component, in septic synovial fluids [3].
  • We report that in both peptidoglycans, the minimal structure needed to activate the Toll pathway is a muropeptide dimer and that the free reducing end of the N-acetyl muramic acid residues of the muropeptides is essential for activity [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of Muramic acid


Biological context of Muramic acid

  • Unlike endotoxin, muramic acid was inversely associated with wheezing rather than with atopic sensitization [14].
  • The 6-O acetylation of muramic acid enhanced the somnogenic effects of certain monomeric MPs relative to their non-O-acetylated (but otherwise identical) counterparts [15].
  • Muramic acid as a measure of microbial biomass in estuarine and marine samples [16].
  • A reproducible assay involving acid hydrolysis, preparative thin-layer chromatographic purification, and colorimetric analysis of lactate released from muramic acid by alkaline hydrolysis is described [16].
  • Strain IAM 14817(T) (=NCIMB 9991(T)) has the following characteristics: the predominant menaquinones are MK-9 and MK-10, the DNA G+C content is 68 mol%, the diamino acid in the cell wall is 2,4-l-diaminobutyric acid and the muramic acid in the peptidoglycan is of an acetyl type [17].

Anatomical context of Muramic acid


Associations of Muramic acid with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Muramic acid


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Muramic acid


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