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Chemical Compound Review

ornithine     (2R)-2,5-diaminopentanoic acid

Synonyms: d-ornithin, D-ornithine, AmbotzHAA1041, CHEMBL103686, AG-F-19709, ...
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Disease relevance of ornithine


Psychiatry related information on ornithine


High impact information on ornithine


Chemical compound and disease context of ornithine


Biological context of ornithine


Anatomical context of ornithine


Associations of ornithine with other chemical compounds


Gene context of ornithine

  • Moreover, activation of p42/p44 and induction of p21(waf1/cip1) were prevented by exogenous putrescine but not ornithine, suggesting this effect was due to the inhibition of ODC by NO or DFMO [31].
  • Importantly, arginase synthesizes ornithine, which is metabolized by the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) to produce polyamines [32].
  • In OTCase, mutations of putative ornithine binding residues, Asp-182, Asn-184, Asn-185, Cys-289, and Glu-256 greatly reduced the affinity for ornithine and impaired the interaction with arginase [33].
  • Expression of either I(1,4,5)P3 6- or 3-kinase activity rescued growth of ipk2-deficient yeast at high temperatures, whereas only 6-kinase activity enabled growth on ornithine as the sole nitrogen source [34].
  • The product of the bioA gene, 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid aminotransferase, was discovered to be related to ornithine aminotransferase [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ornithine


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