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Gene Review

CRX  -  cone-rod homeobox

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CORD2, CRD, Cone-rod homeobox protein, LCA7, OTX3
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Disease relevance of CRX

  • Our results suggest that CRX transcription interference accounts for the retinal degeneration in SCA7 and thus may provide an explanation for how cell-type specificity is achieved in this polyglutamine repeat disease [1].
  • In human cell lines, PNR expression was observed in Y79 retinoblastoma along with other photoreceptor marker genes such as CRX [2].
  • Because loss of CRX function could alter the expression of a number of other retinal proteins, we screened for mutations in the CRX gene in probands with a range of degenerative retinal diseases [3].
  • Of the 294 unrelated individuals screened, we identified four CRX mutations in families with clinical diagnoses of autosomal dominant cone-rod dystrophy, late-onset dominant retinitis pigmentosa, or dominant congenital Leber amaurosis (early-onset retinitis pigmentosa), and we identified four additional benign sequence variants [3].
  • Three patients (16.7%) developed a hydropneumothorax due to U-GCTP which was detected by sonography but was missed by postero-anterior CRX in one patient [4].

Psychiatry related information on CRX


High impact information on CRX

  • De novo mutations in the CRX homeobox gene associated with Leber congenital amaurosis [6].
  • Mutations in the CRX gene cause adCRD either by haploinsufficiency or by a dominant negative effect and demonstrate that CRX is essential for the maintenance of mammalian photoreceptors [7].
  • Here we show that mutations in a novel photoreceptor-specific homeodomain transcription factor gene (CRX) cause an autosomal dominant form of cone-rod dystrophy (adCRD) at the CORD2 locus on chromosome 19q13 [7].
  • Cone-rod dystrophy due to mutations in a novel photoreceptor-specific homeobox gene (CRX) essential for maintenance of the photoreceptor [7].
  • In affected members of a CORD2-linked family, the highly conserved glutamic acid at the first position of the recognition helix is replaced by alanine (E80A) [7].

Biological context of CRX

  • We observed that polyglutamine-expanded ataxin-7 can dramatically suppress CRX transactivation [1].
  • These data suggest that the R90W mutation results in a CRX protein with reduced DNA binding and transcriptional regulatory activity and that the subsequent changes in photoreceptor gene expression lead to the very early onset severe visual impairment in LCA [8].
  • These mice reproduced features of infantile SCA7 (ataxia, visual impairments, and premature death) and showed impaired short-term synaptic potentiation; downregulation of photoreceptor-specific genes, despite apparently normal CRX activity, led to shortening of photoreceptor outer segments [9].
  • The goal of this study is to better understand the molecular basis of CRX function and to provide insight into how mutations in CRX cause such a variety of clinical phenotypes [10].
  • Genomic DNA was screened for mutations by means of single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis in exons of the RPE65 and CRX genes [11].

Anatomical context of CRX

  • The CRX (cone-rod homeobox) gene is specifically expressed in developing and mature photoreceptors and encodes an otd/Otx-like paired homeodomain protein [8].
  • If any discrepancy between TS, the clinical presentation and the CRX became apparent, either a lateral CRX or a computed tomography (CT) of the thorax was performed [4].
  • The patients were divided into four angiographic groups: (I) lesions at the left anterior descending (LAD), n = 35; (II) stenosis at the circumflex (CRX), n = 35; (III) stenosis at the right coronary artery (RCA), n = 35; and (IV) another group of 35 normal subjects serving as controls [12].
  • The tissue-specific gene expression within the pineal gland and retina derives, in part, from a pineal/retina-specific transcription factor, cone-rod homeobox protein, which binds to a pineal regulatory element [13].
  • Immunoglobulin deposition observed in sural nerve biopsies and abnormal immunoglobulin patterns in the "CSF in some cases suggest a dysimmune pathogenesis; thus the term chronic relapsing (dysimmune) polyneuropathy (CRDP) is preferred [14].

Associations of CRX with chemical compounds

  • A homozygous substitution of arginine (R) at codon 90 by tryptophan (W) was identified in the CRX homeodomain of one of the probands who was nearly blind from birth [8].
  • Deletion analysis revealed that the CRX homeodomain (CRX-HD) plays an important role in the interaction with the NRL leucine zipper [15].
  • However, CRX is a transcription factor for several retinal genes, including the opsins and the gene for interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein [3].
  • When the copper-resistant methanogen Methanobacterium bryantii BKYH was exposed to 1 mM Cu(II), it secreted approximately fourfold increased levels of three proteins, copper response extracellular (CRX) proteins [16].
  • The promoter elements, common to both the X-arrestin and S-antigen genes, include the Ret-1/PCE-1 (PCE-1-like in X-arrestin), CRX, and the thyroid hormone/retinoic acid-responsive sequences, the former two being present in a number of photoreceptor-expressed genes [17].

Physical interactions of CRX

  • In addition, alignment of 5'-flanking sequences upstream of the human and mouse RS1 translation initiation sites identified putative binding sites for several transcription factors including CRX, a homeodomain transcription factor known to activate the transcription of several photoreceptor-specific genes [18].

Regulatory relationships of CRX


Other interactions of CRX

  • The clinical presentation was variable; however, the visual evolution in patients with mutations in GUCY2D and CRX remained stable, while individuals with mutations in the RPE65 gene showed progressive visual loss [20].
  • Mutant alleles of the CRX gene have recently been associated with autosomal dominant cone-rod dystrophy (CORD) as well as dominant Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) [8].
  • With the PDE6B promoter, FIZ1 synergized with NRL alone, and the inclusion of CRX decreased this synergy [21].
  • PCR-SSCP mutation analysis revealed no mutations in the screened RPE65 and CRX genes [11].
  • Our method was applied to three retina-specific TFs, CRX, NRL and NR2E3, and a number of potential targets were predicted [22].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CRX


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