Gene Review:
CRX - cone-rod homeobox
Homo sapiens
CORD2, CRD, Cone-rod homeobox protein, LCA7, OTX3
- Polyglutamine-expanded ataxin-7 antagonizes CRX function and induces cone-rod dystrophy in a mouse model of SCA7. La Spada, A.R., Fu, Y.H., Sopher, B.L., Libby, R.T., Wang, X., Li, L.Y., Einum, D.D., Huang, J., Possin, D.E., Smith, A.C., Martinez, R.A., Koszdin, K.L., Treuting, P.M., Ware, C.B., Hurley, J.B., Ptácek, L.J., Chen, S. Neuron (2001)
- Identification of a photoreceptor cell-specific nuclear receptor. Kobayashi, M., Takezawa, S., Hara, K., Yu, R.T., Umesono, Y., Agata, K., Taniwaki, M., Yasuda, K., Umesono, K. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1999)
- A range of clinical phenotypes associated with mutations in CRX, a photoreceptor transcription-factor gene. Sohocki, M.M., Sullivan, L.S., Mintz-Hittner, H.A., Birch, D., Heckenlively, J.R., Freund, C.L., McInnes, R.R., Daiger, S.P. Am. J. Hum. Genet. (1998)
- Accuracy of transthoracic sonography in excluding post-interventional pneumothorax and hydropneumothorax. Comparison to chest radiography. Reissig, A., Kroegel, C. European journal of radiology. (2005)
- Dominant Leber congenital amaurosis, cone-rod degeneration, and retinitis pigmentosa caused by mutant versions of the transcription factor CRX. Rivolta, C., Berson, E.L., Dryja, T.P. Hum. Mutat. (2001)
- De novo mutations in the CRX homeobox gene associated with Leber congenital amaurosis. Freund, C.L., Wang, Q.L., Chen, S., Muskat, B.L., Wiles, C.D., Sheffield, V.C., Jacobson, S.G., McInnes, R.R., Zack, D.J., Stone, E.M. Nat. Genet. (1998)
- Cone-rod dystrophy due to mutations in a novel photoreceptor-specific homeobox gene (CRX) essential for maintenance of the photoreceptor. Freund, C.L., Gregory-Evans, C.Y., Furukawa, T., Papaioannou, M., Looser, J., Ploder, L., Bellingham, J., Ng, D., Herbrick, J.A., Duncan, A., Scherer, S.W., Tsui, L.C., Loutradis-Anagnostou, A., Jacobson, S.G., Cepko, C.L., Bhattacharya, S.S., McInnes, R.R. Cell (1997)
- Leber congenital amaurosis caused by a homozygous mutation (R90W) in the homeodomain of the retinal transcription factor CRX: direct evidence for the involvement of CRX in the development of photoreceptor function. Swaroop, A., Wang, Q.L., Wu, W., Cook, J., Coats, C., Xu, S., Chen, S., Zack, D.J., Sieving, P.A. Hum. Mol. Genet. (1999)
- SCA7 knockin mice model human SCA7 and reveal gradual accumulation of mutant ataxin-7 in neurons and abnormalities in short-term plasticity. Yoo, S.Y., Pennesi, M.E., Weeber, E.J., Xu, B., Atkinson, R., Chen, S., Armstrong, D.L., Wu, S.M., Sweatt, J.D., Zoghbi, H.Y. Neuron (2003)
- Functional domains of the cone-rod homeobox (CRX) transcription factor. Chau, K.Y., Chen, S., Zack, D.J., Ono, S.J. J. Biol. Chem. (2000)
- Exclusion of LCA5 locus in a consanguineous Turkish family with macular coloboma-type LCA. Ozgül, R.K., Bozkurt, B., Kiratli, H., Oğüş, A. Eye (London, England) (2006)
- Increased lung uptake during myocardial scintigraphy improves the detection and localization of coronary artery disease. Papadopoulos, C.L., Doumas, A.S., Koliakos, G., Gitsios, C., Sakadamis, G. Angiology. (1995)
- Molecular rhythms in the pineal gland. Li, X., Borjigin, J., Snyder, S.H. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. (1998)
- Chronic relapsing (dysimmune) polyneuropathy: pathogenesis and treatment. Dalakas, M.C., Engel, W.K. Ann. Neurol. (1981)
- The leucine zipper of NRL interacts with the CRX homeodomain. A possible mechanism of transcriptional synergy in rhodopsin regulation. Mitton, K.P., Swain, P.K., Chen, S., Xu, S., Zack, D.J., Swaroop, A. J. Biol. Chem. (2000)
- Purification of the copper response extracellular proteins secreted by the copper-resistant methanogen Methanobacterium bryantii BKYH and cloning, sequencing, and transcription of the gene encoding these proteins. Kim, B.K., Pihl, T.D., Reeve, J.N., Daniels, L. J. Bacteriol. (1995)
- Isolation and characterization of the human X-arrestin gene. Sakuma, H., Murakami, A., Fujimaki, T., Inana, G. Gene (1998)
- Isolation and characterization of the murine X-linked juvenile retinoschisis (Rs1h) gene. Gehrig, A.E., Warneke-Wittstock, R., Sauer, C.G., Weber, B.H. Mamm. Genome (1999)
- Qs in the nucleus. Orr, H.T. Neuron (2001)
- Mutational analysis and clinical correlation in Leber congenital amaurosis. Dharmaraj, S.R., Silva, E.R., Pina, A.L., Li, Y.Y., Yang, J.M., Carter, C.R., Loyer, M.K., El-Hilali, H.K., Traboulsi, E.K., Sundin, O.K., Zhu, D.K., Koenekoop, R.K., Maumenee, I.H. Ophthalmic Genet. (2000)
- FIZ1 is expressed during photoreceptor maturation, and synergizes with NRL and CRX at rod-specific promoters in vitro. Mali, R.S., Zhang, X., Hoerauf, W., Doyle, D., Devitt, J., Loffreda-Wren, J., Mitton, K.P. Exp. Eye Res. (2007)
- Identification of regulatory targets of tissue-specific transcription factors: application to retina-specific gene regulation. Qian, J., Esumi, N., Chen, Y., Wang, Q., Chowers, I., Zack, D.J. Nucleic Acids Res. (2005)
- Polyglutamine-expanded ataxin-7 inhibits STAGA histone acetyltransferase activity to produce retinal degeneration. Palhan, V.B., Chen, S., Peng, G.H., Tjernberg, A., Gamper, A.M., Fan, Y., Chait, B.T., La Spada, A.R., Roeder, R.G. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2005)
- Temporal and spatial expression patterns of the CRX transcription factor and its downstream targets. Critical differences during human and mouse eye development. Bibb, L.C., Holt, J.K., Tarttelin, E.E., Hodges, M.D., Gregory-Evans, K., Rutherford, A., Lucas, R.J., Sowden, J.C., Gregory-Evans, C.Y. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2001)
- Both PCE-1/RX and OTX/CRX interactions are necessary for photoreceptor-specific gene expression. Kimura, A., Singh, D., Wawrousek, E.F., Kikuchi, M., Nakamura, M., Shinohara, T. J. Biol. Chem. (2000)
- Gene expression networks underlying retinoic acid-induced differentiation of human retinoblastoma cells. Li, A., Zhu, X., Brown, B., Craft, C.M. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (2003)