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Gene Review

CSTB  -  cystatin B (stefin B)

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CPI-B, CST6, Cystatin-B, EPM1, EPM1A, ...
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Disease relevance of CSTB


Psychiatry related information on CSTB


High impact information on CSTB

  • Loss-of-function mutations in the gene (CSTB) encoding human cystatin B, a widely expressed cysteine protease inhibitor, are responsible for a severe neurological disorder known as Unverricht-Lundborg disease (EPM1) [8].
  • Progressive myoclonus epilepsy type 1 (EPM1, also known as Unverricht-Lundborg disease) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by progressively worsening myoclonic jerks, frequent generalized tonic-clonic seizures, and a slowly progressive decline in cognition [9].
  • Unstable insertion in the 5' flanking region of the cystatin B gene is the most common mutation in progressive myoclonus epilepsy type 1, EPM1 [9].
  • The size of the insertion varies between different EPM1 chromosomes sharing a common haplotype and a common origin, suggesting some level of meiotic instability over the course of many generations [9].
  • Unstable minisatellite expansion causing recessively inherited myoclonus epilepsy, EPM1 [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of CSTB


Biological context of CSTB

  • However, the Baltic haplotype, A3 (5-1-1-A-1-1), was observed in ten WEC ULDc (20.8%) and the CSTB 3'UTR variant, which we called the Alps variant, was observed in 17 ULDc (35.4%) [16].
  • This minisatellite repeat expansion, located in the putative promoter of CSTB 175 bp upstream from the translation initiation codon, appears to downregulate CSTB gene expression in vivo [17].
  • Transient transfections of cultured mammalian cells suggest that the region from -670 to -1 bp from the translation initiation codon functions as the CSTB promoter [17].
  • Amino acid sequence determination revealed the presence of stefin A and stefin B type inhibitors and two new inhibitors, designated as porcine stefin D1 and stefin D2 [18].
  • Its physiological function and the molecular pathways leading to the clinical EPM1 phenotype are unknown [19].

Anatomical context of CSTB


Associations of CSTB with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of CSTB

  • Comparison with the X-ray structure of cystatin B in the papain complex shows that the conformation of the first binding loop is quite similar to that of cystatin A, with an rms deviation of 0.78 A for the backbone atoms in the 43-53 region (cystatin A numbering) [27].
  • A model of the tertiary structure of cathepsin H and its complex with stefin B was constructed [28].

Regulatory relationships of CSTB


Other interactions of CSTB

  • In fact, cystatin B is found mainly in the nucleus of proliferating cells and both in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm of differentiated cells, while cathepsin B, in either case, is essentially cytoplasmic [1].
  • Stefin A is composed of 101 amino acids and has an Mr of 11 391 while stefin B contains 98 amino acids, has an Mr of 11 174 and is N-terminally blocked [18].
  • Unverricht-Lundborg disease (ULD) is a progressive myoclonus epilepsy common in Finland and North Africa, and less common in Western Europe. ULD is mostly caused by expansion of a dodecamer repeat in the cystatin B gene ( CSTB) promoter [16].
  • The EPM1 locus was mapped to within 0.3 cM from PFKL in chromosome 21q22 [2].
  • The gene for Progressive myoclonus epilepsy of Unverricht-Lundborg type (EPM1) has previously been mapped by linkage to markers on chromosome 21q22 [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CSTB

  • Confocal microscopy analysis of the subcellular localization of cystatin B and cathepsin B shows that, in vivo, the two proteins are concentrated in different cell compartments [1].
  • To provide new insights into the biochemical and pathological mechanisms of EPM1, we are working toward developing an animal model for this disease [31].
  • The formation of inactive complexes in excess molar amounts of human cathepsins H and L with their protein inhibitors human stefin A, human stefin B and chicken cystatin at pH 5.6 has been shown by measurement of enzyme activity coupled with reverse-phase HPLC not to involve covalent cleavage of the inhibitors [32].
  • We used alkaline treatment, affinity chromatography on Cm-papain Sepharose, followed by gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography and anti-Stefin B-Sepharose 4B to isolate two major isoforms of Stefin B with pI values 5.9 and 6 [33].
  • 5. M(r) of ovarian Stefin B was close to 14,000 as judged by SDS-PAGE and had a blocked N-terminus [33].


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