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Gene Review

AANAT  -  aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: AA-NAT, Aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase, DSPS, SNAT, Serotonin N-acetyltransferase, ...
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Disease relevance of AANAT


High impact information on AANAT


Chemical compound and disease context of AANAT


Biological context of AANAT

  • In the AANAT gene we found 4 novel SNPs: 2 in the 5' flanking region, 1 in exon 4, and 1 in intron 3 [10].
  • Kinetics of AANAT extracted from 1E7 cells are the same as those of bacterially expressed hAANAT; both preparations of hAANAT are equally sensitive to the inhibitor CoA-S-N-acetyltryptamine [11].
  • We have found that the human AA-NAT gene spans approximately 2.5 kb, contains four exons, and is located at chromosome 17q25 [12].
  • Arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT) catalyzes the reaction of serotonin with acetyl-CoA to form N-acetylserotonin and plays a major role in the regulation of the melatonin circadian rhythm in vertebrates [13].
  • Given a previous proposal that AANAT can catalyze an alkyltransferase reaction in a conformationally altered active site relative to its acetyltransferase activity, it is possible that the two conformations of the bisubstrate analog observed crystallographically correspond to these alternative reaction pathways [14].

Anatomical context of AANAT

  • The specific concentration of hAANAT in homogenates is comparable to that of the night rat pineal gland [11].
  • As described here, a cell line (1E7) expressing human AANAT (hAANAT) has been developed to study the human enzyme [11].
  • AANAT mRNA is abundant in the pineal gland and retina, but not elsewhere; AANAT mRNA is uniformly distributed in the pineal gland, but is limited primarily to the photoreceptor outer segments in the retina [15].
  • This study establishes that AANAT messenger RNA (mRNA) and functional enzyme occurs within the pars tuberalis (PT) and to a lesser degree within the pars distalis (PD) of the sheep pituitary gland; expression in these tissues is approximately 1/15th (PT) and 1/300th (PD) of that in the ovine pineal gland [16].
  • The absence of AANAT suggests that in human gallbladder, HIOMT might be involved in the formation of 5-hydroxytryptamine products other than melatonin [17].

Associations of AANAT with chemical compounds

  • Activation of nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors increased [Ca2+]i, but did not alter cAMP levels, AANAT activity or melatonin production [18].
  • Here, the significance of the phosphorylation of AANAT was studied using a semisynthetic enzyme in which a nonhydrolyzable phosphoserine/threonine mimetic, phosphonomethylenealanine (Pma), was incorporated at position 31 (AANAT-Pma31) [19].
  • In this study, mechanistic aspects of the AANAT-catalyzed alkyl transfer reaction were explored by employing CoASH and a series of N-haloacetyltryptamines that were also evaluated for their AANAT acetyltransferase inhibitory activities [20].
  • AANAT is known to undergo complex and rapid regulation by a subtle balance between extremely fast catabolism and protection against it, both due to serine phosphorylation [21].
  • Collectively, these results suggest that NE triggers Ca(2+) entry coupled to BK channels and that NE-induced Ca(2+) entry is important in the regulation of AANAT [22].

Other interactions of AANAT


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of AANAT


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  2. Significant association of the arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase ( AA-NAT) gene with delayed sleep phase syndrome. Hohjoh, H., Takasu, M., Shishikura, K., Takahashi, Y., Honda, Y., Tokunaga, K. Neurogenetics (2003) [Pubmed]
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