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Gene Review

Prom1  -  prominin 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 4932416E19Rik, AC133, Antigen AC133 homolog, CD133, Prom, ...
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Disease relevance of Prom1

  • These findings suggest that loss of prominin causes retinal degeneration, possibly because of impaired generation of the evaginations and/or impaired conversion of the evaginations to disks [1].
  • Murine prominin (prom) shows a strong preference for plasma membrane protrusions in a variety of epithelial cells whereas PROML1 is expressed in retinoblastoma cell lines and adult retina [1].
  • The AC133 antigen is also expressed on subsets of CD34+ leukemias, suggesting that it may be an important early marker for HSCs, as well as the first described member of a new class of TM receptors [2].
  • The injection of CD24+CD133+ PEC but not of CD24-CD133- renal cells into SCID mice that had acute renal failure resulted in the regeneration of tubular structures of different portions of the nephron [3].
  • CD133 is widely expressed by human primary colon cancer epithelial cells, whereas the CD133- population is composed mostly of stromal and inflammatory cells [4].

High impact information on Prom1

  • Prominin is a novel plasma membrane protein with an N-terminal extracellular domain, five transmembrane segments flanking two short cytoplasmic loops and two large glycosylated extracellular domains, and a cytoplasmic C-terminal domain [5].
  • Prominin, a novel microvilli-specific polytopic membrane protein of the apical surface of epithelial cells, is targeted to plasmalemmal protrusions of non-epithelial cells [5].
  • In these epithelia, prominin is specific to the apical surface, where it is selectively associated with microvilli and microvilli-related structures [5].
  • Remarkably, upon expression in CHO cells, prominin is preferentially localized to plasma membrane protrusions such as filopodia, lamellipodia, and microspikes [5].
  • In the adult mouse, prominin has been detected in the brain ependymal layer, and in kidney tubules [5].

Biological context of Prom1

  • DNA sequences from Caenorhabditis elegans predict the existence of a protein with the same features, suggesting that prominin is conserved between vertebrates and invertebrates [5].
  • A frameshift mutation in prominin (mouse)-like 1 causes human retinal degeneration [1].
  • Here, we report the molecular and cell-biological characterization of four novel prominin-1 splice variants isolated from a mouse testis cDNA library and referred to as prominin-1.s3 to prominin-1.s6 [6].
  • Our data suggest that prominin-1 is involved in the formation and/or stabilization of epididymal stereocilia and the tail of spermatozoa, and hence might play a dual role in the biogenesis of spermatozoa [6].
  • Surprisingly, due to a single nucleotide deletion that shifts the reading frame and introduces a premature stop codon, the protein predicted from this cDNA would correspond to a C-terminally truncated form of prominin with only four transmembrane segments [7].

Anatomical context of Prom1


Associations of Prom1 with chemical compounds


Other interactions of Prom1

  • Upon induction of neuronal differentiation, some prominin-1-positive cells, which coexpressed nestin and showed the typical morphology of neural progenitor cells, persisted until terminal stages of differentiation [9].
  • Two size classes of prominin-1-containing membrane particles were observed in the ventricular fluid: approximately 600-nm particles, referred to as P2 particles, and 50-80-nm vesicles, referred to as P4 particles [8].
  • Thus, MHC II and also the invariant chain belong to a set of proteins comprising the T cell receptor, prominin, and the prion protein, which reside in membrane environments distinct from conventional lipid rafts [11].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Prom1


  1. A frameshift mutation in prominin (mouse)-like 1 causes human retinal degeneration. Maw, M.A., Corbeil, D., Koch, J., Hellwig, A., Wilson-Wheeler, J.C., Bridges, R.J., Kumaramanickavel, G., John, S., Nancarrow, D., Röper, K., Weigmann, A., Huttner, W.B., Denton, M.J. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2000) [Pubmed]
  2. A novel five-transmembrane hematopoietic stem cell antigen: isolation, characterization, and molecular cloning. Miraglia, S., Godfrey, W., Yin, A.H., Atkins, K., Warnke, R., Holden, J.T., Bray, R.A., Waller, E.K., Buck, D.W. Blood (1997) [Pubmed]
  3. Isolation and characterization of multipotent progenitor cells from the Bowman's capsule of adult human kidneys. Sagrinati, C., Netti, G.S., Mazzinghi, B., Lazzeri, E., Liotta, F., Frosali, F., Ronconi, E., Meini, C., Gacci, M., Squecco, R., Carini, M., Gesualdo, L., Francini, F., Maggi, E., Annunziato, F., Lasagni, L., Serio, M., Romagnani, S., Romagnani, P. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  4. CD133 expression is not restricted to stem cells, and both CD133+ and CD133- metastatic colon cancer cells initiate tumors. Shmelkov, S.V., Butler, J.M., Hooper, A.T., Hormigo, A., Kushner, J., Milde, T., St Clair, R., Baljevic, M., White, I., Jin, D.K., Chadburn, A., Murphy, A.J., Valenzuela, D.M., Gale, N.W., Thurston, G., Yancopoulos, G.D., D'Angelica, M., Kemeny, N., Lyden, D., Rafii, S. J. Clin. Invest. (2008) [Pubmed]
  5. Prominin, a novel microvilli-specific polytopic membrane protein of the apical surface of epithelial cells, is targeted to plasmalemmal protrusions of non-epithelial cells. Weigmann, A., Corbeil, D., Hellwig, A., Huttner, W.B. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1997) [Pubmed]
  6. Identification of novel Prominin-1/CD133 splice variants with alternative C-termini and their expression in epididymis and testis. Fargeas, C.A., Joester, A., Missol-Kolka, E., Hellwig, A., Huttner, W.B., Corbeil, D. J. Cell. Sci. (2004) [Pubmed]
  7. Rat prominin, like its mouse and human orthologues, is a pentaspan membrane glycoprotein. Corbeil, D., Fargeas, C.A., Huttner, W.B. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2001) [Pubmed]
  8. Release of extracellular membrane particles carrying the stem cell marker prominin-1 (CD133) from neural progenitors and other epithelial cells. Marzesco, A.M., Janich, P., Wilsch-Bräuninger, M., Dubreuil, V., Langenfeld, K., Corbeil, D., Huttner, W.B. J. Cell. Sci. (2005) [Pubmed]
  9. Somatic stem cell marker prominin-1/CD133 is expressed in embryonic stem cell-derived progenitors. Kania, G., Corbeil, D., Fuchs, J., Tarasov, K.V., Blyszczuk, P., Huttner, W.B., Boheler, K.R., Wobus, A.M. Stem Cells (2005) [Pubmed]
  10. Lysophosphatidic acid induces clonal generation of mouse neurospheres via proliferation of Sca-1- and AC133-positive neural progenitors. Svetlov, S.I., Ignatova, T.N., Wang, K.K., Hayes, R.L., English, D., Kukekov, V.G. Stem cells and development. (2004) [Pubmed]
  11. MHC II molecules and invariant chain reside in membranes distinct from conventional lipid rafts. Karacsonyi, C., Bedke, T., Hinrichsen, N., Schwinzer, R., Lindner, R. J. Leukoc. Biol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  12. The human AC133 hematopoietic stem cell antigen is also expressed in epithelial cells and targeted to plasma membrane protrusions. Corbeil, D., Röper, K., Hellwig, A., Tavian, M., Miraglia, S., Watt, S.M., Simmons, P.J., Peault, B., Buck, D.W., Huttner, W.B. J. Biol. Chem. (2000) [Pubmed]
  13. Selective localization of the polytopic membrane protein prominin in microvilli of epithelial cells - a combination of apical sorting and retention in plasma membrane protrusions. Corbeil, D., Röper, K., Hannah, M.J., Hellwig, A., Huttner, W.B. J. Cell. Sci. (1999) [Pubmed]
  14. Cloning and expression analysis of goldfish (Carassius auratus L.) prominin. Walsh, J.G., Barreda, D.R., Belosevic, M. Fish Shellfish Immunol. (2007) [Pubmed]
  15. Generation of dopaminergic neurons in the adult brain from mesencephalic precursor cells labeled with a nestin-GFP transgene. Sawamoto, K., Nakao, N., Kakishita, K., Ogawa, Y., Toyama, Y., Yamamoto, A., Yamaguchi, M., Mori, K., Goldman, S.A., Itakura, T., Okano, H. J. Neurosci. (2001) [Pubmed]
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