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Gene Review

Vamp1  -  vesicle-associated membrane protein 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Syb-1, Syb1, Synaptobrevin-1, VAMP-1, Vesicle-associated membrane protein 1, ...
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Disease relevance of Vamp1


High impact information on Vamp1


Chemical compound and disease context of Vamp1

  • Tetanus toxin added to neuronal cultures at day 2 in vitro cleaved synaptobrevin and inhibited regulated GABA secretion during the whole cultivation time [8].
  • In contrast to control cultures, tetanus toxin added to fumonisin B(1)-treated cultures does not block potassium-stimulated glycine release, inhibit activity-dependent uptake of FM1-43, or abolish immunoreactivity for vesicle-associated membrane protein, the toxin substrate [9].

Biological context of Vamp1


Anatomical context of Vamp1


Associations of Vamp1 with chemical compounds

  • We show that in synaptosomes treated with three stimuli that induce exocytosis (a depolarizing K(+) solution, the excitatory neurotoxin alpha-latrotoxin, or the Ca(2+)-ionophore ionomycin), the homo- and heteromultimerization of synaptophysin and synaptobrevin is increased up to 6-fold [16].
  • We found that substituting glutamine for arginine in the zero-layer of the SNARE motif did not significantly impair synaptobrevin-dependent exocytosis, whereas insertion of 12 or 24 residues between the SNARE motif and transmembrane region abolished the ability of synaptobrevin to mediate Ca2+-evoked exocytosis [17].
  • Alternatively, treatment with cholesterol up-regulated the synaptophysin/synaptobrevin interaction in these cultures [18].
  • The colocalization of Sbr, or its homologue cellubrevin (Cbr), in the majority of the glucose transporter-isotype 4 (GLUT4)-containing vesicles from adipocytes implicates their involvement in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, which results in part from enhanced fusion of these vesicles with the plasmalemma [19].
  • Cleavage of the other SNAREs (synaptobrevin with Botx/D or SNAP-25 with Botx/A) failed to affect the inhibitory action of adenosine [20].

Physical interactions of Vamp1

  • Here we used purified full-length and truncated SNARE proteins and a gel shift assay to show that the action of complexin on SNARE complex depends strictly on the transmembrane regions of syntaxin and synaptobrevin [21].

Regulatory relationships of Vamp1


Other interactions of Vamp1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Vamp1

  • METHODS: Single- and double-labeling immunocytochemistry was used to investigate the distribution of the synaptic VAMP isoforms, VAMP-1 and VAMP-2, in the mouse retina [1].
  • BoNT/B was shown by immunoblotting to cause extensive proteolysis of Cbr and Sbr resulting in a significant blockade of the insulin-stimulated translocation of GLUT4 to the plasmalemma [19].


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