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Gene Review

Snap25  -  synaptosomal-associated protein 25

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Bdr, GENA 70, GENA70, SNAP-25, SUP, ...
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Disease relevance of Snap25


Psychiatry related information on Snap25


High impact information on Snap25


Chemical compound and disease context of Snap25


Biological context of Snap25

  • However, axonal growth and the early topographic arrangement of thalamocortical fiber pathways appear normal in the Snap25 KO, where action potential mediated synaptic vesicle release is disrupted [15].
  • Patch-clamp recordings in fetal Snap25-null mutant cortex demonstrated that ablation of SNAP-25 eliminated evoked GABA(A) receptor-mediated postsynaptic responses while leaving a low level of spontaneous AP-independent events intact, supporting the involvement of SNAP-25 in the regulated synaptic transmission of early developing GABAergic neurons [16].
  • In hippocampal cell cultures of wild-type mice, punctate staining of SNAP-25 colocalized with both GABAergic and glutamatergic synaptic markers, whereas stimulus-evoked vesicular recycling was abolished at terminals of both transmitter phenotypes in Snap25-/- neurons [16].
  • Spontaneous locomotor hyperactivity in a mouse mutant with a deletion including the Snap gene on chromosome 2 [1].
  • Analysis of genomic DNA revealed that the Snap gene dosage in Cm/+ mice was 50% lower than control littermates [1].

Anatomical context of Snap25

  • The gene encoding the synaptosomal-associated protein--25 kDa (SNAP-25) was mapped by analysis of somatic cell hybrids and an intersubspecies backcross to mouse Chromosome 2 [1].
  • These findings suggest that rabphilin is involved in the docking step of regulated exocytosis in PC12 cells, possibly through interaction between the C2B domain and SNAP-25 [17].
  • The C2B domain of rabphilin directly interacts with SNAP-25 and regulates the docking step of dense core vesicle exocytosis in PC12 cells [17].
  • These results show that Ca2+ modulates dynamic docking of granules to the plasma membrane and that this process is due to a Ca2+-dependent interaction between SNAP-25 and Synaptotagmin 1 [18].
  • Our results thus provide evidence that SNAP-25 is critical for evoked GABA release during development and is expressed in the presynaptic terminals of mature GABAergic neurons, consistent with its function as a component of a fundamental core SNARE complex required for stimulus-driven neurotransmission [16].

Associations of Snap25 with chemical compounds

  • Members of the SNARE (soluble N -ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein receptor) superfamily [syntaxins, VAMPs (vesicle-associated membrane proteins) and SNAP25 (synaptosome-associated protein-25)-related proteins] are required for intracellular membrane-fusion events in eukaryotes [19].
  • The predicted amino acid sequence also includes a cluster of four closely spaced cysteine residues, similar to the metal binding domains of some metalloproteins, suggesting that the SNAP-25 polypeptide may have the potential to coordinately bind metal ions [20].
  • Removal of cholesterol in the plasma membrane by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin facilitated both redistribution of ECFP-SNAP25 and sequential exocytosis by threefold [21].
  • Thus, the relative expression levels of SNAP-25 and SNAP-23 might control the mode (regulated vs. basal) of granule release by forming docking complexes at different Ca(2+) thresholds [22].
  • We report that the increased raft association of SNAP-23 occurs due to the substitution of a highly conserved phenylalanine residue present in SNAP-25 with a cysteine residue [23].

Physical interactions of Snap25

  • Interestingly, we found that SNARE motif-exposed syntaxin 1A mutants were retained in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and failed to transport to the cell surface in the absence of SNAP-25, suggesting that the exposure of the SNARE motif causes ER retention and complexation with SNAP-25 helps the ER escape [24].
  • Moreover, both alpha1A isoforms form part of the P/Q-channels-SNARE complexes in situ because they are coimmunoprecipitated from solubilized chromaffin cell membranes by a monoclonal SNAP-25 antibody [25].
  • Mouse taste cells with G protein-coupled taste receptors lack voltage-gated calcium channels and SNAP-25 [26].

Co-localisations of Snap25

  • However, during the first stages of the cell transdifferentiation process, SNAP-25 migrates alone out to the developing growth cone and what will become the nerve endings and varicosities of the mature neurites; alpha1A follows and colocalizes to SNAP-25 in the now mature processes [25].

Regulatory relationships of Snap25


Other interactions of Snap25

  • Differential control of the releasable vesicle pools by SNAP-25 splice variants and SNAP-23 [7].
  • In the docking assay, addition of Ca2+ induces the formation of a SNAP-25-Synaptotagmin 1 complex [18].
  • In neurons, assembly of SNARE core complexes comprising the presynaptic membrane-associated SNAREs syntaxin 1 and SNAP25, and the vesicle-associated SNARE VAMP2, is necessary for synaptic vesicle exocytosis [19].
  • One such factor, Snapin, has been reported to be a brain-specific protein that interacts with SNAP25, and regulates association of the putative Ca2+-sensor synaptotagmin with the synaptic SNARE complex [Ilardi, Mochida and Sheng (1999) Nat. Neurosci. 2, 119-124] [19].
  • Disruption of the gene encoding SNAP-25, a component of the soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein (SNAP) receptor complex required for regulated neuroexocytosis, eliminates evoked but not spontaneous neurotransmitter release (Washbourne et al., 2002) [29].
  • From these results, we conclude that progesterone-progesterone receptor-mediated SNAP25 expression in cumulus oocyte complexes and granulosa cells regulates cytokine and chemokine secretion via an exocytosis system [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Snap25


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  4. Distribution of synaptosomal-associated protein 25 in nerve growth cones and reduction of neurite outgrowth by botulinum neurotoxin A without altering growth cone morphology in dorsal root ganglion neurons and PC-12 cells. Morihara, T., Mizoguchi, A., Takahashi, M., Kozaki, S., Tsujihara, T., Kawano, S., Shirasu, M., Ohmukai, T., Kitada, M., Kimura, K., Okajima, S., Tamai, K., Hirasawa, Y., Ide, C. Neuroscience (1999) [Pubmed]
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