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Disease relevance of Synaptosomes


Psychiatry related information on Synaptosomes


High impact information on Synaptosomes

  • Architecture of the gamma delta resolvase synaptosome: oriented heterodimers identity interactions essential for synapsis and recombination [11].
  • The N-type Ca2+ channel blocker omega-conotoxin GVIA (omega-CgTx) suppresses the excitatory postsynaptic responses only partially, whereas potassium-induced release of glutamate from brain synaptosomes can be blocked by omega-Aga-VIA (ref. 9), a blocker of P-type calcium channels and possibly of other types of calcium channels [12].
  • Here we report that inhibition of transmitter release from synaptosomes caused by botulinum neurotoxin A (BoNT/A) is associated with the selective proteolysis of the synaptic protein SNAP-25 [13].
  • Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II increases glutamate and noradrenaline release from synaptosomes [14].
  • Here we report that the introduction of Ca2+/CaM-dependent PK II, autoactivated by thiophosphorylation, into rat brain synaptosomes (isolated nerve terminals) increases the initial rate of induced release of two neurotransmitters, glutamate and noradrenaline [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of Synaptosomes


Biological context of Synaptosomes


Anatomical context of Synaptosomes


Associations of Synaptosomes with chemical compounds


Gene context of Synaptosomes

  • Furthermore, depletion of MARCKS by MARCKS-AON treatment of neurons resulted in a significant decrease in Ang II-stimulated accumulation of TH and DbetaH immunoreactivities and [3H]NE uptake activity in synaptosomes [33].
  • Finally, in rat synaptosomes, both spectrin and NR2B are loosened from membranes upon addition of physiological concentrations of calcium ions [34].
  • The purified synaptosomes exhibited specific enrichment of Rab3a, Rab5a, Ral, and several other GTPases [35].
  • 2-Deoxy-d- [1-(14)C]glucose is significantly reduced in synaptosomes prepared from Igf1-/- brains, and the deficit is corrected by inclusion of Igf1 in the incubation medium [36].
  • Subcellular fractionations of olfactory bulb synaptosomes, combined with chemical lesions of olfactory neurons, confirm the presence of Emx2 in axon terminals [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Synaptosomes


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