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Human herpesvirus 4

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Disease relevance of BRLF1


High impact information on BRLF1

  • Here we show that methylation of CpG motifs in Z-responsive elements of the viral BRLF1 immediate-early promoter enhances Z binding to, and activation of, this promoter [6].
  • This work shows that BRLF1 and BZLF1 harbor distinct but complementary functions that influence all stages of viral production [7].
  • Here we show that, unexpectedly, expression of another viral immediate-early protein, BRLF1, can disrupt viral latency in an epithelial cell-specific fashion [8].
  • The BRRF1 early gene of Epstein-Barr virus encodes a transcription factor that enhances induction of lytic infection by BRLF1 [9].
  • Gemcitabine and doxorubicin both activated transcription from the promoters of the two viral immediate-early genes, BZLF1 and BRLF1, in EBV-negative B cells [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of BRLF1


Biological context of BRLF1


Anatomical context of BRLF1


Associations of BRLF1 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of BRLF1


Other interactions of BRLF1

  • An EBV early protein, BRRF1 (Na), is encoded by the opposite strand of the BRLF1 intron, but the function of this nuclear protein in the viral life cycle is unknown [9].
  • Frequencies of the HLA-A3-restricted epitope RVRAYTYSK (RVR) whose minimal length was mapped in this study to amino acid position 148-156 of the immediate-early protein BRLF1 were compared with those of a further known HLA-A3-restricted epitope within EBNA3A, RLRAEAQVK (RLR) [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of BRLF1


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