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Gene Review

TUBA1A  -  tubulin, alpha 1a

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: Alpha-tubulin 3, B-ALPHA-1, FLJ25113, LIS3, TUBA3, ...
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Disease relevance of TUBA1A


High impact information on TUBA1A

  • We identified two patients with de novo mutations in TUBA3, the human homolog of Tuba1 [6].
  • A functional variant of SUMO4, a new I kappa B alpha modifier, is associated with type 1 diabetes [7].
  • SUMO4 conjugates to I kappa B alpha and negatively regulates NF kappa B transcriptional activity [7].
  • UEV/Ubc complexes have been implicated in the assembly of Lys63-linked polyubiquitin chains that act as a novel signal in postreplicative DNA repair and I kappa B alpha kinase activation [8].
  • Reoxygenation of hypoxic cells appeared as a physiological effector of I kappa B-alpha tyrosine phosphorylation [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of TUBA1A


Biological context of TUBA1A


Anatomical context of TUBA1A

  • Pervanadate-induced I kappa B-alpha phosphorylation and NF-kappa B activation required expression of the T cell tyrosine kinase p56ick [9].
  • We have purified I kappa B-alpha, a major form of I kappa B with an apparent molecular size of 37 kd, from cytosol of human placenta [15].
  • A complementary DNA that corrects the radiation sensitivity and DNA synthesis defects in fibroblasts from an AT group D patient was isolated by expression cloning and shown to encode a truncated form of I kappa B-alpha, an inhibitor of the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) transcriptional activator [2].
  • Newborn mice with a ubiquitous deletion of I kappa B alpha develop a severe hematological disorder characterized by an increase of granulocyte/erythroid/monocyte/macrophage colony-forming units (CFU-GEMM) and hypergranulopoiesis [17].
  • In contrast, in mice with a conditional deletion of I kappa B alpha only in the myeloid lineage (ikba(flox/flox) x LysM-Cre) and in fetal liver cell chimeras (ikba(FL delta/FL delta)), a cell-autonomous induction of the myeloproliferative disease was not observed [17].

Associations of TUBA1A with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of TUBA1A

  • Respiratory syncytial virus-induced RANTES production from human bronchial epithelial cells is dependent on nuclear factor-kappa B nuclear binding and is inhibited by adenovirus-mediated expression of inhibitor of kappa B alpha [21].
  • Mechanistic studies revealed that triptolide markedly decreased IL-1beta -induced NF-kappa B DNA binding capacity and cytosolic amount of p-I kappa B-alpha [22].

Enzymatic interactions of TUBA1A

  • SCFHOS-ROC1 binds IKK beta-phosphorylated I kappa B alpha and catalyzes its ubiquitination in the presence of ubiquitin, E1, and Cdc34 [23].
  • GSHPx overexpression also abolished the TNF alpha-mediated transient accumulation of the acidic and highly phosphorylated I kappa B-alpha isoform [24].
  • Sequence analysis revealed that purified CKII and the kinase activity within cell extracts phosphorylated I kappa B alpha at its C terminus at S-283, S-288, S-293, and T-291 [25].
  • ATM gene product phosphorylates I kappa B-alpha [26].
  • SCF(beta-TRCP) and phosphorylation dependent ubiquitinationof I kappa B alpha catalyzed by Ubc3 and Ubc4 [27].

Regulatory relationships of TUBA1A

  • A nuclear complex was induced in phorbol myristate acetate-treated Jurkat T cells which bound specifically to the kappa B site of the IL-8 promoter and was inhibited by addition of purified I kappa B alpha to the reaction mixture [28].
  • Celecoxib also inhibited the TNF-induced interaction of Akt with I kappa B alpha kinase (IKK) [29].
  • Immunodepletion of CKII from these extracts abrogated both the basal and enhanced HIV-induced degradation of I kappa B alpha [25].
  • Two of the inhibitor-of-apoptosis proteins were downregulated because of an increase in 'second mitochondrial activator of caspases/Direct inhibitor-of-apoptosis protein binding protein with low pI.' Decrease in nuclear factor kappa B and increase in inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B alpha expression favored the process of apoptosis [30].
  • We show that of the two forms of I kappa B alpha recovered from stimulated cells in a complex with RelA and p50, only the newly phosphorylated form, pI kappa B alpha, is a substrate for an in vitro reconstituted ubiquitin-proteasome system [31].

Other interactions of TUBA1A

  • Mice lacking RelB or I kappa B alpha, as well as both mice and humans with heterozygous NEMO mutations, develop skin lesions [32].
  • In order to characterize the regulation of the gene encoding the I kappa B-alpha/MAD3 inhibitor of the transcription factor NF-kappa B, we have isolated a human genomic clone and sequenced the promoter of this gene [33].
  • This is explained at least in part by the long-term downregulation of I kappa B alpha following CD28 signalling as opposed to phorbol myristate acetate alone [34].
  • We tested whether BCL3 could overcome the cytoplasmic retention of p50 by I kappa B alpha [35].
  • Activation of IKK in FLS was accompanied by phosphorylation and degradation of endogenous I kappa B alpha as determined by Western blot analysis [36].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of TUBA1A


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