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Gene Review

CYP19A1  -  cytochrome P450, family 19, subfamily A,...

Gallus gallus

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Disease relevance of CYP19A1


Psychiatry related information on CYP19A1

  • The P450 aromatase (P450 arom) gene is asymmetrically expressed in a critical period for gonadal sexual differentiation in the chick [4].

High impact information on CYP19A1

  • A single treatment of chicken embryos with an aromatase inhibitor (which blocks the synthesis of estrogen from testosterone) at a stage when their gonads were bipotential caused genetic females to develop a permanent male phenotype [5].
  • In two henny-feathered breeds, the Sebright bantam and the Golden Campine, the synthesis of estrogen is increased as a consequence of increased activity of aromatase, a cytochrome P-450 enzyme that converts androgen to estrogen [6].
  • 5-Azacytidine and sodium butyrate induce expression of aromatase in fibroblasts from chickens carrying the henny feathering trait but not from wild-type chickens [6].
  • Nucleotide sequence analysis of the nine coding exons of the aromatase gene reveals that the predicted amino acid sequence is identical in all three strains [7].
  • Aromatase mRNA in the extragonadal tissues of chickens with the henny-feathering trait is derived from a distinctive promoter structure that contains a segment of a retroviral long terminal repeat. Functional organization of the Sebright, Leghorn, and Campine aromatase genes [7].

Biological context of CYP19A1


Anatomical context of CYP19A1

  • Aromatase is expressed specifically in female gonads, but not male gonads, at the onset of sexual differentiation [13].
  • The introduction of the cDNA clone into COS-1 cells results in the production of high levels of aromatase activity [14].
  • In adult ovary follicular envelopes, apart from granulosa cells, cFoxL2 transcript and protein were detected at lower levels in theca cells where aromatase was present [8].
  • In contrast, aromatase activity is very low in extraglandular tissues from control chickens and is undetectable in fibroblasts cultured from these tissues [6].
  • In a second experiment (n = 3-5), we tested the specificity of the androgens in suppressing P4 production by granulosa cells by using the aromatase inhibitor 7-(4'-amino)phenylthio-4-androstene-3,17-dione [15].

Associations of CYP19A1 with chemical compounds

  • P450-aromatase is the terminal estrogen-synthesizing enzyme and a key gene in avian sex determination [13].
  • These findings establish that the cDNA clone encodes chicken ovarian aromatase and demonstrate that this protein can catalyze the three successive oxidation reactions necessary to form estrogen from androgen [14].
  • Under the effects of Fadrozole (CGS 16949A), a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor, the right gonad generally becomes a testis, and the left gonad a testis or an ovotestis [16].
  • Under the influence of LH, secretion of immunoreactive TCP is enhanced 3-fold and can be inhibited by up to 70% with aromatase inhibitor (1,4,6-androstatrien-3,17-dione) [17].
  • In subsequent experiments, the effects of clomiphene on C17-20-lyase and aromatase activities were examined [18].

Other interactions of CYP19A1

  • This finding suggests that FOXL2 lies upstream of aromatase in avian sex determination, but that it responds to depleted estrogen synthesis [13].
  • Interstitial cells showed immunoreactivity for both P450SCC and P450C17, whereas a specific cell population of the theca externa, hereafter termed aromatase cells, showed immunoreactivity for P450AROM [19].
  • Differential expression of genes for aromatase and estrogen receptor during the gonadal development in chicken embryos [20].
  • DMRT1 expression was analyzed in chicken embryos during experimentally induced female-to-male sex reversal, using the aromatase enzyme inhibitor fadrozole [21].
  • These results show that theca externa cells from preovulatory follicles of hen have enzymatic activities of 20 beta-reductase (from P5 and P4), 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/5-4 isomerase (from P5 and DHEA), 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (from A4 and T), and aromatase (from A4 and T) [22].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CYP19A1


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