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Disease relevance of Oviducts


Psychiatry related information on Oviducts


High impact information on Oviducts


Chemical compound and disease context of Oviducts


Biological context of Oviducts


Anatomical context of Oviducts


Associations of Oviducts with chemical compounds

  • Quantitation of elongating form A and B RNA polymerases in chick oviduct nuclei and effects of estradiol [26].
  • The receptor is present at very low levels compared to other steroid target tissues (50--100 fold less than chick oviduct) [27].
  • Second, hybridization of end-labeled probes to oviduct nuclear RNA followed by digestion with S1 nuclease and analysis on polyacrylamide gels mapped more precisely the 5' and 3' ends of the precursor molecules, and these termini were coincident with the beginning and end of the structural sequence of the natural gene [28].
  • The short chain aliphatic acid salts, butyrate and propionate, are effective inhibitors of histone deacetylation in chick oviduct at 2--5 mM; they also prevent the hormonal induction of the ovalbumin and transferrin genes [29].
  • The evidence presented here suggests that the stimulus-response coupling of the stimulating effect of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) on ciliary activity of the rabbit oviduct is carried out by release of intracellular Ca2+ [30].

Gene context of Oviducts

  • Wnt7a-deficient females are infertile because of abnormal development of the oviduct and uterus, both of which are Müllerian duct derivatives [31].
  • Here we show that in contrast to the HGF receptor, which was expressed at the basolateral surface, RON was localized at the apical surface of ciliated epithelia in the airways and oviduct [32].
  • The mass of the SEC11 protein is very close to that found for two of the subunits of the canine and hen oviduct signal peptidases [33].
  • In vivo experiments with sperm of Smcp(-/-) 129/Sv mice revealed that the migration of spermatozoa from the uterus into the oviduct is reduced [34].
  • Few eggs are detected in the oviduct after stimulation with gonadotropins, and no two-cell embryos are recovered after mating Zp2-null females with normal male mice [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Oviducts


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