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Gene Review

MUT  -  methylmalonyl CoA mutase

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: MCM, Methylmalonyl-CoA isomerase, Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, mitochondrial
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Disease relevance of MUT

  • Expression of mature human MUT cDNA in Escherichia coli at a post-induction cultivation temperature of 12 degrees C, rather than 37 degrees C, led to the folding of the majority of the synthesized protein to a soluble form, with an activity of 0.2-0.3 U/mg protein in the cell-free extract, 10-15 times higher than that in human liver homogenate [1].
  • Mapping of the mutation onto a three-dimensional model of human MCM constructed by homology with the Propionibacterium shermanii enzyme shows that it lies in a highly conserved secondary structure motif and might suggest impaired folding and/or poor stability compatible with the mut(degree) phenotype [2].
  • Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MCM) apoenzyme deficiency is a rare metabolic disease that may result in distinct biochemical phenotypes of methylmalonic acidemia (MMA), namely mut(o) and mut-. We analyzed a cohort of 40 MCM-deficient patients with MMA affected by either the mut(o) or the mut- form of the disease [3].
  • Vaccination with synthetic MUT 1 or MUT 2 induces CTLs that efficiently lyse CMT 64-derived clones, protects mice from CMT 64 metastasis, and affords therapy of established CMT 64 metastases [4].
  • Mutations of the human MUT S homologue 6 gene in ampullary carcinoma and gastric cancer [5].

High impact information on MUT


Chemical compound and disease context of MUT


Biological context of MUT

  • Among the missense mutations identified in the MUT gene only one, the c.970G>A (p.A324T) variant located in the substrate binding domain is likely a mut- mutation [15].
  • To date, 23 mutations have been identified at the MUT locus on the short arm of chromosome 6, causing the mut forms of MMA (mut complementation group; mut MMA, McKusick #251000) [16].
  • The maximum lod score for MUT versus HLA was 3.04 at a recombination fraction of 0.28 [17].
  • These data suggest that MUT and D6S4 loci are tightly linked and may be used as one locus in a haplotype form for linkage studies on proximal 6p and diagnostic analysis of pedigrees with mut methylmalonic acidemia [17].
  • The MUT locus exhibits consensus sequences for transcription, splicing, and polyadenylation [18].

Anatomical context of MUT

  • Distinct genotypic and phenotypic forms of methylmalonyl CoA mutase (MCM) apoenzyme deficiency can be delineated by biochemical analysis of mutant fibroblasts [19].
  • Transfection of each change into a mut0 cell line with very low MCM mRNA (GM1673) demonstrated a lack of stimulation of propionate uptake in the absence and presence of hydroxycobalamin [20].
  • The mut0 mutation resulting in methylmalonyl CoA mutase (MCM) apoenzyme deficiency and methylmalonic aciduria is characterized by undetectable enzyme activity in cell extracts and low incorporation of propionate into cultured cells which is not stimulated by hydroxycobalamin [20].
  • The activity of the other cobalamin-dependent enzyme, methylmalonyl coenzyme A mutase, in the mononuclear white blood cells, and the serum concentration of the cobalamin marker methylmalonic acid, were not altered after nitrous oxide anesthesia or methionine loading or both [21].
  • We have previously demonstrated that a mutation of the hydrophobic motif 341FNX2LLX3L350 in the C terminus of the human pituitary vasopressin V3 receptor (MUT V3R) led to it being retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) [22].

Associations of MUT with chemical compounds


Other interactions of MUT

  • This led to the identification of phosphorylation sites in the carboxyl terminus of the minichromosome maintenance protein 3 (MCM3), a component of the hexameric MCM DNA helicase [27].
  • Based on results that showed that the DNA helicase activity of the MCM4-6-7 complex is negatively regulated by CDK2 phosphorylation, we suggest that the phosphorylation of MCM4 in the checkpoint control inhibits DNA replication, which includes blockage of DNA fork progression, through inactivation of the MCM complex [28].
  • MMAB encodes the enzyme ATP:cobalamin adenosyltransferase, which catalyzes the synthesis of the coenzyme adenosylcobalamin required for the activity of the mitochondrial enzyme methylmalonyl CoA mutase (MCM) [25].
  • Despite 1.7-fold higher binding and 1.8-fold higher holoparticle uptake, the selective CE uptake by MUT-EDL-expressing cells was comparable with EDL-expressing cells and was even decreased 1.3-fold with THL [29].
  • BACKGROUND: The GP.Hop (Mi.IV) phenotype expresses the MNS low-incidence antigens Mur, Hop, TSEN, MINY, and MUT [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of MUT

  • Hybridization of allele-specific oligonucleotides to PCR amplified MCM exons from the proband and family members identified a clinically normal mother, half-sister, and half-brother as carriers of the G703R change in cis with both polymorphisms [20].
  • These data confirm the authenticity of the MCM cDNA clone, establish the feasibility of constituting MCM activity by gene transfer for biochemical analysis and gene therapy, and provide a preliminary picture of the genotypic spectrum underlying MCM deficiency [31].
  • Genetic and biochemical prenatal diagnosis was performed at 11 weeks of gestation in a family with a proband affected by mut methylmalonic aciduria (MMA) and homozygotes for the MUT gene c.643G>A (p.Gly215Ser) mutation [32].
  • The C3 and MUT genes, therefore, are likely to be good candidates to study as markers of bTB resistance using functional genomics in animal model systems [33].
  • Immunohistochemistry was performed using a monoclonal antibody (Ab3) to the MUT p53 and examination by light microscopy [34].


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