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Gene Review

NFKB2  -  nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CVID10, DNA-binding factor KBF2, H2TF1, LYT-10, LYT10, ...
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Disease relevance of NFKB2

  • Here we examine the biochemical basis for the transcriptional regulation of HIV by NFKB2 [1].
  • In particular, the NFKB2 gene, localized on chromosome 10q24, represents a candidate proto-oncogene, since it has been found rearranged in certain types of lymphoma and more commonly in cutaneous lymphoma [2].
  • The NFKB-2 gene is a candidate proto-oncogene since it is involved in lymphoma-associated chromosomal aberrations [3].
  • In one case of multiple myeloma (MM), cloning and sequencing analysis of reciprocal breakpoint sites showed that they occurred within intron 15 of the NFKB2 gene and led to the complete deletion of the 3' portion of the gene coding for the ankyrin domain [4].
  • Furthermore, the NFKB2 precursor is physically associated with c-Rel and with Tax in HTLV-I infected cells [5].

High impact information on NFKB2


Biological context of NFKB2

  • These data suggest that binding of the NFKB2 subunit to the HIV enhancer is facilitated by RelA(p65) and that this NFKB2(p49)/p65 heterodimeric complex mediates transcriptional activation which is subject to regulation by MAD-3 [1].
  • Structural and functional characterization of the promoter regions of the NFKB2 gene [9].
  • Based on the nucleotide sequence of cDNA clones and the 5' flanking genomic region of the NFKB2 gene, RT-PCR analysis in a number of human cell lines demonstrated the presence of two alternative noncoding first exons (1a and 1b) [9].
  • The involvement of the candidate proto-oncogene NFKB2/lyt-10 in lymphoid malignancies [2].
  • Rearrangements cluster within the carboxy-terminal ankyrin domain of the NFKB2 gene leading to the production of carboxy-terminally truncated proteins which, in some cases, are fused to heterologous protein domains [2].

Anatomical context of NFKB2


Physical interactions of NFKB2

  • We show here that NF-kappa B p100 is a component of the previously identified DNA-binding activity H2TF1 [13].

Other interactions of NFKB2

  • NF-kappa B p100 (Lyt-10) is a component of H2TF1 and can function as an I kappa B-like molecule [13].
  • In both of these cases, the rearrangements led to specific carboxy-terminal truncations of NFKB2 generating abnormal transcripts that coded for proteins lacking portions of the ankyrin domain [4].
  • Direct measurement of mRNAs showed increased gene expression of both types of transcription factors in chondroinduced hDFs, including NFKB2 (290% of control), RELA (160%), and GATA2 (190%) [14].
  • Germline configuration of nfkb2, c-rel and bcl3 in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) [15].
  • We focused on examining genes found to be up-regulated according to the microarray analysis and selected three putative target genes, NFKB2, SMARCD3, and NR4A3, for further investigation [16].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NFKB2


  1. Dimerization of NF-KB2 with RelA(p65) regulates DNA binding, transcriptional activation, and inhibition by an I kappa B-alpha (MAD-3). Duckett, C.S., Perkins, N.D., Kowalik, T.F., Schmid, R.M., Huang, E.S., Baldwin, A.S., Nabel, G.J. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1993) [Pubmed]
  2. The involvement of the candidate proto-oncogene NFKB2/lyt-10 in lymphoid malignancies. Neri, A., Fracchiolla, N.S., Migliazza, A., Trecca, D., Lombardi, L. Leuk. Lymphoma (1996) [Pubmed]
  3. Mechanism of expression and role in transcriptional control of the proto-oncogene NFKB-2/LYT-10. Chang, C.C., Zhang, J., Lombardi, L., Neri, A., Dalla-Favera, R. Oncogene (1994) [Pubmed]
  4. Heterogeneous chromosomal aberrations generate 3' truncations of the NFKB2/lyt-10 gene in lymphoid malignancies. Migliazza, A., Lombardi, L., Rocchi, M., Trecca, D., Chang, C.C., Antonacci, R., Fracchiolla, N.S., Ciana, P., Maiolo, A.T., Neri, A. Blood (1994) [Pubmed]
  5. Overproduction of NFKB2 (lyt-10) and c-Rel: a mechanism for HTLV-I Tax-mediated trans-activation via the NF-kappa B signalling pathway. Lanoix, J., Lacoste, J., Pepin, N., Rice, N., Hiscott, J. Oncogene (1994) [Pubmed]
  6. B cell lymphoma-associated chromosomal translocation involves candidate oncogene lyt-10, homologous to NF-kappa B p50. Neri, A., Chang, C.C., Lombardi, L., Salina, M., Corradini, P., Maiolo, A.T., Chaganti, R.S., Dalla-Favera, R. Cell (1991) [Pubmed]
  7. Two genes encode factors with NF-kappa B- and H2TF1-like DNA-binding properties. Rustgi, A.K., Van 't Veer, L.J., Bernards, R. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1990) [Pubmed]
  8. Molecular analysis of cutaneous B- and T-cell lymphomas. Neri, A., Fracchiolla, N.S., Roscetti, E., Garatti, S., Trecca, D., Boletini, A., Perletti, L., Baldini, L., Maiolo, A.T., Berti, E. Blood (1995) [Pubmed]
  9. Structural and functional characterization of the promoter regions of the NFKB2 gene. Lombardi, L., Ciana, P., Cappellini, C., Trecca, D., Guerrini, L., Migliazza, A., Maiolo, A.T., Neri, A. Nucleic Acids Res. (1995) [Pubmed]
  10. Regulation of p100 (NFKB2) expression in human monocytes in response to inflammatory mediators and lymphokines. de Wit, H., Dokter, W.H., Koopmans, S.B., Lummen, C., van der Leij, M., Smit, J.W., Vellenga, E. Leukemia (1998) [Pubmed]
  11. Genomic organization and chromosomal mapping of mouse nuclear factor kappa B 2 (NFKB2). Paxian, S., Liptay, S., Adler, G., Hameister, H., Schmid, R.M. Immunogenetics (1999) [Pubmed]
  12. Constitutive expression of lymphoma-associated NFKB-2/Lyt-10 proteins is tumorigenic in murine fibroblasts. Ciana, P., Neri, A., Cappellini, C., Cavallo, F., Pomati, M., Chang, C.C., Maiolo, A.T., Lombardi, L. Oncogene (1997) [Pubmed]
  13. NF-kappa B p100 (Lyt-10) is a component of H2TF1 and can function as an I kappa B-like molecule. Scheinman, R.I., Beg, A.A., Baldwin, A.S. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1993) [Pubmed]
  14. Identification of cis and trans-acting transcriptional regulators in chondroinduced fibroblasts from the pre-phenotypic gene expression profile. Yates, K.E. Gene (2006) [Pubmed]
  15. Germline configuration of nfkb2, c-rel and bcl3 in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Liptay, S., Seriu, T., Bartram, C.R., Schmid, R.M. Leukemia (1997) [Pubmed]
  16. A microarray model system identifies potential new target genes of the proto-oncogene HOX11. Hoffmann, K., Dixon, D.N., Greene, W.K., Ford, J., Taplin, R., Kees, U.R. Genes Chromosomes Cancer (2004) [Pubmed]
  17. Rearranged NFKB2 gene in the HUT78 T-lymphoma cell line codes for a constitutively nuclear factor lacking transcriptional repressor functions. Zhang, J., Chang, C.C., Lombardi, L., Dalla-Favera, R. Oncogene (1994) [Pubmed]
  18. Purification of the major histocompatibility complex class I transcription factor H2TF1. The full-length product of the nfkb2 gene. Potter, D.A., Larson, C.J., Eckes, P., Schmid, R.M., Nabel, G.J., Verdine, G.L., Sharp, P.A. J. Biol. Chem. (1993) [Pubmed]
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