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Recombination, Genetic

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Disease relevance of Recombination, Genetic

  • The recA protein, which is essential for genetic recombination in E. coli, promotes the homologous pairing of double-stranded DNA and linear single-stranded DNA, thereby forming a three-stranded joint molecule called a D loop [1].
  • An analyses of the RCCX structures in 22 salt-losing, congenital adrenal hyperplasia patients revealed a significant increase in the monomodular structure with a long C4 gene linked to the pseudogene CYP21A, and bimodular structures with two CYP21A, which are likely generated by recombinations between heterozygous RCCX length variants [2].
  • The beta protein of bacteriophage lambda acts in homologous genetic recombination by catalyzing the annealing of complementary single-stranded DNA produced by the lambda exonuclease [3].
  • Applying a recently developed PCR method, we have been able to detect the most commonly occurring illegitimate recombinations between alpha-chain switch region (S alpha) and c-myc in preneoplastic B cells residing in mesenteric oil granuloma (OG) tissues 7-30 days postpristane [4].
  • To initially determine the effect that base-pair mismatch has on homologous recombination in mammalian cells, we have studied genetic recombination between thymidine kinase (tk) gene sequences from herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 [5].

High impact information on Recombination, Genetic


Chemical compound and disease context of Recombination, Genetic


Biological context of Recombination, Genetic


Anatomical context of Recombination, Genetic


Associations of Recombination, Genetic with chemical compounds


Gene context of Recombination, Genetic


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Recombination, Genetic


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