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beta-Lactam Resistance

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Disease relevance of beta-Lactam Resistance


High impact information on beta-Lactam Resistance


Chemical compound and disease context of beta-Lactam Resistance


Biological context of beta-Lactam Resistance


Associations of beta-Lactam Resistance with chemical compounds

  • We conclude that, with the notable exception of imipenem, the MexAB-OprM pump contributes significantly to beta-lactam resistance in both beta-lactamase-negative and beta-lactamase-inducible strains, while the contribution of the MexAB-OprM efflux system is negligible in strains with overexpressed beta-lactamase [17].
  • Transformation of broad-spectrum beta-lactam resistance into ampicillin-susceptible H. influenzae RDnov was accomplished [18].
  • These studies suggest that beta-lactamase is the major mechanism of beta-lactam resistance in this species and that Augmentin is the first oral beta-lactam with good potential for treating infections due to N. brasiliensis [19].
  • The increases in the Ki values of both clavulanic acid and tazobactam for the enzyme with the triple mutation were consistent with the observed bacterial resistance to the reversibility of beta-lactam resistance with these inhibitors [20].
  • Subculturing of the four strains with decreased penicillin susceptibility in amoxicillin (with or without clavulanate) or cefuroxime did not select for beta-lactam resistance [21].

Gene context of beta-Lactam Resistance

  • Resistance to other, unrelated, antimicrobials, except notably the fluoroquinolones, was strongly associated with beta-lactam resistance. beta-lactamase production was detected in 492 isolates of H. influenzae, an overall prevalence of 18.1% [22].
  • Even though mutations in another gene(s) may be involved in beta-lactam resistance, these data indicate that mutations in the ftsI gene are the most important for development of resistance to beta-lactams in BLNAR strains [23].
  • Detection of an IS21 insertion sequence in the mexR gene of Pseudomonas aeruginosa increasing beta-lactam resistance [24].
  • The PBP 5 variants of 15 clinical isolates (including 8 resistant to vancomycin) with different levels of beta-lactam resistance were analyzed [12].
  • Overexpression of the efflux pump alone contributes to the high level of beta-lactam resistance in the absence of beta-lactamase [17].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of beta-Lactam Resistance

  • The molecular mechanisms of beta-lactam resistance mediated by AmpC hyperproduction in natural strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were investigated in a collection of 10 isogenic, ceftazidime-susceptible and -resistant pairs of isolates, each sequentially recovered from a different intensive care unit patient treated with beta-lactams [25].


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